I’m chronically ill. Rfk Jr. He could find solutions that would actually make us better | Handcuffs

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During a certificate hearing, the senators were understood to be understood into question Robert F. Kennedy Jr. about health, ranging from abortion to vaccination.
It’s not surprising that people would hesitate to accept some of Kennedy’s most unusual claims. Americans who have a red number 3 in their favorite breakfast cereal and McDonald’s Big Macs obviously have the most to lose. From fluoride in our water to the beef to the vaccine, RFK JR. Asks questions about our health, no one else tried to ask.
Rfk Jr. is ready to push Against our unhealthy habits, which no one else has considered. Is that really bad?
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. He speaks during the Royal Oak Music Theater campaign in Royal Oak, Michigan, April 21, 2024. (Emily Elconin/Bloomberg via Getty Images)
According to the latest CDC reports, about 129 million Americans have at least one major chronic disease – including heart disease, cancer, diabetes, obesity and hypertension. Most are women, often with several diagnoses. Women also make up over 80% of patients with autoimmune diseases, suffering from symptoms with severe consequences.
Can RFK JR be a disorder and a reformer on HHS?
We no longer live in a world where chronic disease describes obese, middle -aged men who refuse to give up red meat; 2025 young women, otherwise healthy, are the face of chronic illness. So many young women share their travels with exhausting diseases on the network that the news is now being transmitted by “patients”.
I am one of millions of young women under 30 with more health conditions.
Together with two first relatives – both under the age of 30 – I was diagnosed with a mysterious condition that causes autonomous dysfunction, called a postural orthostatic Tahikard syndrome (Pots). This is a condition that affects one to three million people in the US, up to 85% of whom are women.
Still, doctors are confused by this condition and often speak to patients to “just drink more”. Other medical experts have led to anxiety. Others shrugged and say, “I don’t know what’s wrong with you.”
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No cure. Some geneticists assumed that these symptoms were caused by a collection of disorders that were previously considered to be significantly rare, known as the Ehlers Danlos Syndrome, editor (s). Others claim that the vaccine is against HPV maybe in the game.
Many of these young womenranging from 14 to 25, objectively progressing; They are high success – honoring students who work at school – they are often athletic and according to their doctors, they are the “peak of health”.
Then one day they suddenly wake up with scary symptoms: blurred vision, worrying high heart rate and low blood pressure, uncontrolled vomiting and nausea, and unconscious when they enter.
The locals and eds are not the only conditions that young women face. This is just a few of many. Abigail Anthony wrote a few years ago in a free press about her journey with endometriosis and as doctors called her “hysterical.” Experiences like this are far from unusual for these young women. In fact, these situations are often the norm.
What RFK JR has to do to win over skeptical senators – and Americans
Most medical experts have I’ve never heard of these terms. They walk in the blind, without the idea how to treat these diseases – let alone provide the medicine.
Patients like me are desperate answers-who responds-for what causes these symptoms that change life; They have little or no guidelines or information, several pharmaceutical options, and certainly no treatment plan that was effective for controlling many conditions by leaving them in the home, hospitalized and incapable of eating.
Pharmaceutical companies are known to be distant from the development of new drugs, claiming that exploring chronic diseases is not profitable.
Where does this leave patients? No answer and there is no hope. Their lives left destroyed – all before they reach 30.
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If we really care about the treatment of a fundamental Cause of chronic diseases And fighting the health epidemics that women face, the government must encourage solutions that actually make us better, instead of pushing us aside.
We deserve answers – and, at the very least, hopefully better lives.