
David Goodwillie: The Scottish Government approves legal assistance for privately persecution of football players in case of rape | Football news

The Scottish Government approved a request for legal assistance for the private persecution of the shameful footballer David Goodwillie for rape.

The Civic Court ruled in 2017 that Goodwillie, who is now playing for West by Scotland League, Glasgow United, and former teammate David Robertson raped Denise Clair, but the criminal charges were not filed against the couple.

Mrs. Clair rarely seeks a private prosecution, where an individual seeks to prosecute, not a crown, but relies on the financial assistance of the Government to continue.

After a prolonged application, for which the first minister John Swinney said that it had been lasted too long in November, the ministers announced on Sunday that legal assistance had been approved.

Speaking for Sunday post “who advocated the cause of Mrs. Clair,” she said, “I am recessed that after all these years I can finally start the path to the appropriate justice.

“I have been waiting for all this time to test the facts about this case in the Criminal Court.

“It is disappointing that the Scottish government made me wait for an additional year for a decision they could make in 24 hours, considering that they agree on how exceptional this case is.”

She added, “I am determined to see this trip to the bitter area for me and every other victim of the rape betrayed by our criminal system.”

The newspaper reported that funding is only £ 2500.

The Scottish Government spokesman said: “This was a particularly unique and complex case that required a detailed consideration.

“After a careful assessment, the ministers decided to assign legal assistance in this case.”

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