Us ‘Report Card’ shows that students were behind in reading, barely moved in mathematics

Reading skills of American students continued to decline from the Pandemia Coidd-19, while their mathematical skills were barely improved, according to a report from Department Education Posted on Tuesday.
It is often referred to as the “National Report Card”, the national assessment of the 2024 education progress is given every two years and is considered to be one of the best indicators of academic progress American school system. The latest exam was applied in early 2024 in each country, testing students of the fourth and eighth grades on their mathematics and reading skills.
The results showed that, compared to 2022, the average mathematical grade for eighth grade students was almost unchanged, while reading results fell to 2 points at both levels. One -third of eighth grade students have achieved below the “elementary” reading, more than ever in the history of the assessment.
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The student raises his hand in the classroom at Tussahaw Elementary School on August 4. 2021 in McDonought, Ga. (AP Photo/Brynn Anderson)
“Today’s NAEP results reveal a heart reality for American students and confirm our worst fears: not only that most students have not recovered from losing learning about pandemia, but those students who have been the most backward and need the most support , “Doe said in a statement. “Despite the billions of dollars that the Federal Government invests in the education of K-12 per year and approximately $ 190 billion of federal pandemic funds, our education system continues to collapse to students across the country.”
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Students are considered below the basic if they lack fundamental skills. For example, the eighth grade students who requested the basic in reading were usually unable to make a simple conclusion about the motivation of the character after reading a short story, and some were unable to determine that the word “diligently” means “being strenuous.”
“The news is not good,” said Peggy Carr, a commissioner of the National Center for Education Statistics, who monitors the assessment. “We do not notice the progress we need to regain the country are lost during the pandemic.”
(Educational Pictures/Universal Images Group via Getty Images)
Among the few bright points was the improvement of mathematics in the fourth grade, where the average result marked 2 points on a scale of 500. But still 3 points lower than the 2019 pre-paradise average,
Despite the cheeky results, some countries and fourth have scored significant steps, including Washington, DC, where the average result has increased 10 points. But American schools generally do not show significant progress.
Even more alarming for officials was an obvious division between students with higher and lower performance, which became wider than ever. Students with the highest results have surpassed their peers from two years ago, making a little soil lost during the pandemic. But the lowest performers achieve even lower, lagging on.
The last failures follow the historic return to 2022. In that year, students’ achievements fell on subjects and classroom levels, in some cases at unprecedented levels.
The children read at their table in the classroom. (Getty Images)
This test of the testing again contained students whose life was disturbed by pandemi. When Coid hit in 2020 years of ageThe fourth classrooms were in kindergarten and the eighth grade were in fourth grade.
But Carr said that bad results can no longer blame themselves for pandemia, warning that the national education system is facing “complex challenges”.
The survey conducted in the exam was found in 2022 that fewer young students had read for enjoyment, which is associated with the lower reading results. And the new survey results have discovered that students who are often absent from the class – a permanent problem across the country – are most fighting.
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“The data is clear,” Carr said. “Students who don’t come to school don’t improve.”
The results provide fresh fuel for the national discussion of the impact of the pandemic school closure, although it is unlikely to add clarity given the lack of final studies that connect the closure of the school with greater academic failures.
Associated Press contributed to this report.