Trump directs the US government to overpower the Californian water policy if necessary by Reuters

President Washington -us Donald Trump has issued an executive order on Sunday that directs the federal government to overpower the water management practice in California if it is determined that they are ineffective.
The command comes two days after Trump visited the region in Los Angeles, which he devastated a series of fires.
Trump falsely claimed that Democratic governor Gavin News and other officials refused to provide water from the northern part of the country in the fight against fire.
His command directs the federal agencies to “immediately take action to overcome existing activities that excessive excessive efforts to maximize water delivery.”
Orders the US Bureau for a reculture to pass more water and hydroelectric power plants through Central valley (Nasdaq 🙂 Project, a network of dams, channels and other infrastructure, even if it is in conflict with state or local laws.
He also orders the White House Budget Office to see if the state can attach the conditions to federal assistance to ensure cooperation.
It is not clear whether these changes will enhance California firefighting abilities. The lack of water during the disaster height caused the hydrants dry in some parts of Los Angeles, but local officials say it was because they were not designed to resolve such a huge disaster.
The Newsom office did not immediately respond to the commentary request.