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New outbreak kills a nurse in the campal

The Uganda Ministry of Health has confirmed the new epidemic of Ebola virus in the Campal capital, with one reported death.

The victim was a 32-year-old man’s sister whose symptoms included “high fever, chest pain and breathing difficulties” and “bleeding from multiple body places”.

He died from a number of organs on Wednesday at the Mulango National Hospital, located in the city’s central business district.

This denotes the Uganda Eighth Eyely Ebola epidemic since the first infection was documented in 2000.

Ebole Sudan (Judgment) virus disease is a very contagious hemorrhagic fever, which is transmitted by contact with infected body fluids and tissues. It is one of several Ebola viruses that are known to cause epidemics.

In the days before his death, the nurse went to several health care institutions as well as the traditional healer, before the diagnosis was confirmed.

He also went to a public hospital in Mbale, a city bordering Kenia.

The ministry said 44 of the late man were identified, including 30 healthcare workers.

Quick response teams are arranged to try to contain a disease.

However, the contact trace can be difficult because it is a campsite, a busy city over four million people, serves as the main center for a trip to southern Sudan, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Rwanda and other neighboring countries.

The last epidemic of Uganda was in September 2022, which also caused a judiciary. Focused in Mubenda County, he was named after four months.

There are six known types of ebola virus. Four of them are known to Zaire, Bundibugyo, Sudan and Taï Forest cause a disease in humans.

Reston and bombali strains primarily affect the reception of the inhuman.

Unlike the usual Zaire ebola virus, there is no approved vaccine for the Sudan.

Symptoms of Ebola infection include fever, fatigue, muscle pain, headache and sore throat, followed by vomiting, diarrhea, rash and internal and external bleeding.

The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that on average Ebola kills five in every 10 infected individuals.

However, past epidemics showed a rate of death ranging from 25% to 90%, depending on the circumstances and response measures.

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