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Italian melons were investigated for release in Libyan war crimes suspects

Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni says she was put in a court investigation for the surprise of Italy from a Libyan citizen, who was sought by the International Criminal Court (ICC) for war crimes (ICC).

In a video split on social networks on Tuesday, Meloni said that the suspects were embezzled with prosecutors and helping and supporting the crime.

Osama Najim – also known as Almasri – is the head of the Libya Judicial Police and the director of the infamous detention center in Mitiga, near Tripoli.

The Lord was arrested in Italy on January 21 and was unexpectedly liberated for days later “because of the legal technical ability,” the Ministry of the Interior said.

ICC, who said he did not consult, quickly issued another warrant for the arrest for Mr. Najim and asked for an explanation from the Italian authorities.

In the video, Meloni said that the appeal court in Rome had released Mr. because the ICC order was not sent to the Italian Ministry of Justice.

“At that moment, not to let go of the Italian territory, we decided to throw it out and immediately return it, with a special flight,” Meloni said.

Last week, justice Minister Carlo Nordio said that the Mr. Najj was expelled for the “danger” he had set up – the comment the opposite had filed.

The decision to release the Lord’s Father was strongly criticized the opposition and non -governmental organizations such as Amnesty International, who said that Mr. Najj was guilty of “terrible violations committed with complete unpunishedness.”

Videos that showed a cheerful crowd, welcoming Mr. Najima as he left the Italian government planes in Tripoli, caused special restlessness.

Meloni said Nordio, the Minister of the Interior Matteo Pianatedos and the Podsekretar of the Intelligence Cabinet Cabinet, Alfredo Matteman, was also put under the investigation. Under investigation in Italy does not mean that formal accusations will necessarily follow.

A defiant tone, the Italian Prime Minister seemed to hint at political motives for investigation.

She pointed out a lawyer who filed a complaint, Luigi Li Gotti, was a former left -wing politician, while the prosecutor led the Francesco Lo voi case recently Investigated Deputy Government Matteo Salvini on an unrelated issue.

The melons ended up the video, saying that it could not be “blackmailed or intimidated”.

“That’s the reason why I’m unpopular among those who don’t want Italy to change and improve,” she said. “But this is precisely the reason I intend to continue my own way, protecting the Italians, especially when it comes to the safety of the nation, the head held high without fear.”

Matteo Renzi from the opposition party Italy (IV) – who was among the first to denies the release of Mr. Somim – said he felt that melons were “exploiting” an investigation to “feed his usual sacrifice complex.”

Giorgia Meloni, leader of the far right, anti-migrant brothers of Italy, is headed by the ruling right-wing coalition of Italy since 2022.

She has repeatedly vowed to break the immigration and have pledged to stop the boats moving to Italy from North Africa, promising to stop illegal departures and trade in people.

Meloni, like other leaders before her, collaborated with the Libyan authorities and militia, providing them with financial and technical support for controversial agreements to fight illegal immigration, including the training and financing of the Libyan Coast Guard, which intercepts migrant ships.

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