Air of the sun for wounded rebels from Mjanmar while the angry civil war | News of the conflict

Mae Sot, Thailand – In the old wooden house in the Thai border town of Mae Sot, wounded revolutionary fighters lie side by side.
Many are amputated by the legs, arms and arms. Some have serious wounds from their heads and others have suffered exhausting spinal injuries. Some are blind and others are unable to walk.
These young fighters were wounded by mines, rocket grenades (RPG) and sniper fire, burned with flame bombs that fell by war aircraft and scars of the splash.
They traveled to this border town through the jungle from neighboring Mjanmar, seeking medical attention for injuries suffered in an increased civic conflict, which is one of the longest and westernmost global level.
However, their recovery site – the Sun Care Center – cannot boast of an elegant, sterile environment of a hospital with a white wall equipped with sophisticated medical equipment and staff of qualified surgeons.
Instead, the estimated 140 war fighters in this center are recovering in rudimentary conditions, mostly resting in wooden and steel cribs deployed in a traditional Thai house.
Volunteers, who have escaped from Mjanmar, take care of them.
Unable to continue the fight, most cannot return home because of the fear of violent retaliation by the Mijar Army, whose holder resisted four years.
February 1, 2021. The army removed the democratically elected Aung San Suu Kyi government, which lit an unprecedented uprising against military rule in a nation of 54 million people.
It is said that the coup – and the violent suppression of peaceful protests – encouraged the Myanmar generation Z, the demographic category of young people born between 1997 and 2012, to take over the weapons.
This generation has entered the jungle and the highlands to join the ethnic armed groups and the newly founded civil protection militia – also known as folk defense forces (PDF) – as well as participation in support roles such as wounded care fighters.
One of those who joined the fight was Cohant, for 23 years, who had blowing his wrist with his hand and lost his eyesight in the left eye when a non -Esploded RPG missile detonated in her hands dismissed by military forces.
Resistance fighters often collect bombs and rockets that do not detonate because their forces lack the right weapons and ammunition, said Khant al Jazeera said, although the rocket exploded on this occasion, causing serious injuries.
“When the rpg fell from [military] Side, I went to pick it up and it just exploded, “he said.” Sometimes when the RPG falls do not explode. My wrist was injured and my eye was injured by gunpowder. “
Before the military takeover, who Khant was a chef in the largest city of Mjanmar, Yangon, specializing in European cuisine. After joining a pro-democratic street protest and experiencing a violent military action, he fled to the state of Karen, bordering Thailand, to join PDF fighters.
He went through a little training and soon found himself on the front line, where he sustained injuries in January 2022, becoming partially disabled.
Smuggled across the border and treated in Thai hospitals, who then came to Sunshine Care Center to recover, and now helps to start everyday activities of the Center.
He was offered a prosthetic hand while in recovery, but he refused, saying Al Jazeera that he had other amputated in greater need.
“There are people who need, much more than me,” he said.
“Don’t feel like I don’t have a hand.”