Afghanistan cricket: Women’s historical match ‘more important than ever before’, says coaches | Current news

After more than three years of living in egganization, the Afghan Women’s Cricket team will get the opportunity to represent their country for the first time since the Talibani took over in 2021.
Exiled cries will be in a historic exhibition game against a crislet without borders (CWOB) at Junction oval in Melbourne on January 30, before the Test match for Pepela Day on Women’s Cinderella on a Melbourne Crickket Groun test.
Since the Taliban regained their power in 2021, women’s rights were quickly deteriorating and continued to deal with unprecedented devastation, including they were unable to play sports, go to universities or – scary – that they were not allowed to speak too loudly from their homes.
“This match is of so much importance than ever,” says Chelsea Moscipt, a cricket for the Australian main territory that trains Afghan women on the eve of their firming.
“These girls have gone through so much in their life from escaping to Afghanistan and have become refugees in Australia and, despite this, continued to play cricket.
“To get the opportunity to go out and play together as a team, I know something that they are excited and who knows when that next opportunity is?
“They make history and it’s a really exciting time for them.”
It is also suitable that CWOB, founded by Clare Cannon in 2011, asked Crickket Australia to play a team in Afghanistan with regard to their philosophy rooted in ‘courage, showing sports management, fun and folding friends’.
“The empowerment of young women has always been what CWOB is concerned, so playing Afghan women is perfectly in harmony and a great honor for us,” Cannon said.
“We hope this first step is the beginning of a long journey for the Afghan female XI.”
The CWOB team training is Stephen Field, who also emphasized the importance of organization and the upcoming exhibition match.
“We all have a responsibility to transfer this game and do it,” Field said.
In November 2021, former ICC president Greg Barclay said the Committee “dedicated to” support for Afghanistan “to develop male and female crickets.”
In July last year, the women’s team in Afghanistan wrote a letter to Barclay to help them establish a refugee team headquartered in Australia, but despite their scary objection, the team did not report from the chiefs of the crunch.
The feeling of injustice also remains that the male team still allowed to compete in spite of the clear violation of the international crisis rules (ICC), which states that the national female team is one of the main requirements for becoming a full -fledged member.
The male team in Afghanistan also retained his test status and made significant progress lately, beating Australia during the T20 World Cup last summer to reach their first semifinal.
A year earlier, they also won four of the nine games at the World Cup in India 50, including significant victories against England, Pakistan and Sri Lanka.
More recently, Chief of Cricket Committee of England and Wales (ECB) Richard Gould wrote to his ICC colleague persuading them to take measures against the Cricket Committee in Afghanistan for treating women of the Taliban government.
A group of more than 160 politicians, including Nigel Farage, Jeremy Corbyn and Lord Kinnock, signed a letter that encouraged England to boycott a boycott in the champion trophy against Afghanistan.
Although they are pushed to the periphery, women in Afghanistan remained determined to represent their country.
After more than three years, these dreams will become a reality.