Cuba suffers another widespread interruption of electricity, leaving millions in the dark while the Ministry is working to repair
On Friday night, Cuba suffered a huge interruption of electricity that influenced Havan and the provinces in the country that left millions in the dark.
Cuba Ministry of Energy and Mine said at about 20:15 local time, interruption in the Diemoro substation on the periphery of Havana caused “a significant loss of a generation on western Cuba and, with it, the failure of the national electric system”.
The Ministry stated on its account on the social platform X that “it is working on the recovery process”.
The streets of Havana were dark and empty, and light comes only from the hotel windows that had generators. Internet service has been affected.
People in provinces such as Guantánamo, Artemis, Santiago de Cuba and Santa Clara reported that they had experienced disappearances with the only light of light.
Ramon Espinosa / AP
Earlier, Electric Union, a state -regulatory agency, said in its daily report that demand for peak hours would be around 3,250 megawatts, and a deficit would reach about 1,380 megawatts, which means that 42% of the national energy system will be closed. This figure is not the highest in recent memory.
Cuba suffered Widespread interruptions in their national energy system late last yearleaving the island in the dark in the midst of a serious economic crisis.
The Blackout 2024 was considered the worst cubes in two years after Hurricane Ian made landing as a category 3 storm in 2022 and damaged power installations.
The Power Grid in Cuba has been tormented by frequent failures, and more than half of the country is experiencing an interruption of electricity during peak hours. The grinds are primarily caused by fuel deficiency and infrastructure aging. In many parts of the island, electricity is key to cooking and pumping water.
Authorities on the island began the program of installing photovoltaic parks and promised that dozens of them would be ready this year. Blackouts previously encouraged Anti -Hods demonstrations in 2021, 2022 and 2024.