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A new study from Key Swing State breaks the popular narrative against the Id voter: ‘No evidence’

First on the fox: Study in key swing Wisconsin state In contrast to the popular claim of many on the political left and concludes that the Laws of the ID did not suppress voting in the country in voters.

“The study does not find a statistically significant negative impact of the Visconsin Voting Law on the Total Voting Protection,” concludes a new study of the Institute of Law and Freedom (Will) Institute for Law Wisconsin.

“In fact, the response has increased a little from the implementation of the law, challenging the claims that the requirements of the voter ID lead to widespread deviations.”

Critics are also picked up The Laws of ID voters in recent years, claiming that it has disabled minority voters who, according to critics, have difficulty in obtaining identification. The study says “he has not found a proof of a negative effect on the turnout from the implementation of the voter ID among non-white Wisconsiniti.”

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An older black man who votes on the ballot. (Getty Images)

The study compared the turnout in Wisconsin over the 20-year period, starting with the 2004 presidential elections and completing with the 2024 presidential election, including the year of the year in the years. Whether it will admit that turnout can “affect many factors outside the Id ID Law,” but explained that “he included these key control variables to ensure that we areolated the true influence of the law.”

Wisconsin has established the Laws of ID voters in 2011 that have passed several Court challenges in the coming years.

Will Flanders, director of research in Will, told Fox News Digital that he hoped that people from this study would take over that popular narratives on the ID of the voter are not based on data.

“When people make these claims that the voter ID is this instrument of suppression, there is really no evidence to support it,” Flanders said.

People often say that this is especially difficult for minorities and people from low -income. We especially looked at the impact on areas with several minority voters and found that there was no evidence, even in these areas that would support this case. There is no effect on voters’ response in areas with a large population of minorities compared to other parts of the state. Thus, there is no impact of overall influence and there is no effect on those voters that are usually claimed to be the most affected. “

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Capitol building in Wisconsin. (AP Photo/Scott Bauer, file)

Executive Director of the Honest Election Action Jason Snead told Fox News Digital that the will is a report in accordance with “many” other studies showing the Laws of ID “do not do what the left claims”.

“Contrary to this, the Laws of the ID enhances public confidence in the election, leading directly to greater voter outputs and a greater confidence in the democratic process. Liberal politicians want to seduce the public, but the truth is that the Laws of the ID are too popular. Therefore, 36 countries have and voters in the countries needed for the balls and Nevada.

1. April voters in Wisconsin will be asked If they want to install the law of the Wisconsin voters into the state constitution.

The survey shows that most Americans support the idea of ​​identifying voting.

Latest Poll It has shown that more than 80% of voters support the display of photographs to vote, as well as providing evidence of citizenship.

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Voters throwing their ballots in the polling station. (Getty)

AND 2024. Survey of Pew Research He also showed a two -sided consensus that more than 80% of Americans support voter measures.

In Wisconsin, Nearly 75% of the population He surveyed the Faculty of Law at Marquette University of Voter ID.

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