Danish Postal Service to stop delivering letters

European digital editor
Denmark State Postal Service, Postnord, should be completed by all delivery of letters in late 2025 AD, citing a drop in the amount of letters of 90% since the beginning of the century.
Decision leads to the end of 400 years of company letter service. Denmark 1,500 mailbox will start to disappear from early June.
The Minister of Transport Thomas Danielsen sought to convince Dance, saying that letters could still be sent and received throughout the country. One company said it was ready to take over delivery.
Postal services across Europe face a decrease in the amount of letters. The German Deutsche Post said on Thursday that he has 8,000 jobs, in what he called “socially responsible way.”
Deutsche Post has 187,000 employees, and staff representatives have said that they are afraid that there will be more reduction.
Denmark had a universal postal service for 400 years by the end of 2023, but as digital mail services accepted, the use of letters fell dramatically.
Public services send communication through the Digital Post or other platform application, and Postnord Denmark says that the letter market is no longer profitable.
Scripture numbers have fallen since the beginning of the century from 1.4 billion to 110 million last year.
The decision will most affect the elderly. Although 95% of the Danes uses a Digital Post Service, 271,000 people have signed up to rest on physical mail.
Danish MP Pelle Dragsted blamed the privatization for the move and complained that the move would threaten people living in remote areas.
Postnord said that about 1500 of his workers would lose their jobs, from a workforce of 4,600.
The company announced that it would transfer its focus to the deliveries of the plot and that all postal stamps purchased this year or 2024. Could return to a limited period 2026.
Executive Director Kim Pedersen said the Danes became more digital, and the drop in the amount of letters became so pronounced that it fell by as much as 30% only last year.
Postnord also operates in Sweden. This is 40% owned by Denmark and 60% of Swedish ownership.