AZ GOP cites the plagiarism of expert witnesses opposed to their account for the SUBSCRIPTIONS of women’s savings

Republicans in Arizona are trying to eliminate the testimony of the advocate of transgender young people against the State Sports Act with rescue of women for charges of plagiarism.
“The end gas light is to say that the boy is a girl,” President of the Arizona State Senate, Senator Warren Petersensaid Fox News Digital in a statement. “We have now learned that a skilled witness has done more than gas lights. We presented more examples of identical or almost identical phrase using other academics without any attribution to the court.”
It’s Petersen defendant In a case that challenges the sports act of Sava in Arizona, who awaits the decision of the Supreme Court about whether to listen to an early order appeal.
Petersen says that Dr. Daniel Shumer, Clinically Associate Professor of Pediatrics and Medical Director of Gender Services and Scholarship Director for pediatric endocrinology at the University of Michigan, plagiated his expert testimony at least 22 times in his testimony testimony Arizona Sava Female Sports Act.
US Judge stops Arizona from banning transgender girls in sports teams in women’s school
A person holding a transgender flag (Adobe Stock)
“In the past two years, I have charged the defendant of the Healthy case of Arizona, which protects women in sports,” Petersen told Fox News Digital. “Despite many attacks on the left, I was grateful for this opportunity to advocate for the integrity of the female sport – especially in the absence of the state prosecutor of our country. I will continue to fight for this law in the courts, and I hope that the US Supreme Court will eventually allow our country to protect women’s sports!”
On Wednesday, Petersen endured The request, legally called Daubert’s movement, to remove Shumer as an opponent’s expert.
The proposal states: “Dr. Shumer’s opinions are not reliable because he plagiarized them, he misses his qualifications that he offered them and did not make objective proof that his opinions represent good science.”
The document states that Shumer has taken over the formulation from Stephen Rosenthal, a witness in a case that challenged Alabama’s law prohibiting surgery and hormone therapy for minors, and from Joshua for sure, a witness in the case that challenged the Sports Act of Women in Western Virginia and did not give appropriate attribution.
One example of Petersen pointed out is that in the report published on October 10, 2024. Shumer copied the text almost literally from the Rosenthal report submitted on April 21, 2022.
Rosenthal’s Wording Reads, “Any Attempts to ‘Cure’ Transgender Individuals by ForCing Their Gender Identity Into Alignment with Their Assigned Sex Are Harmful, Dangerous, and Inffective. Those Practices Have Been Denounced As Association of Medical and Mental Health Professionals, Such As WPATH, The American Medical Association, the American Academy of Pediatrics, the American Psychiatric Association, and the American Psychological Association. ”
Shumer’s Wording Reads, “Attempts to ‘Cure’ Transger Individuals by ForCing Their Gender Identity INTO Alignment with Their Birth Sex Are Harmful and Ineffective. Those Practices Have Been Widely Denounced as Unehical by All Major Medical and Mental Health Professionals, Such as the American Medical Association, The American Academy of Pediatrics, the American Psychiatric Association, and the American Psychological Association, Among Other. ”
A recording of the screening of plagiarism examples from the exclusion of experts and reports by Dr. Daniel Shumer.
Michigan University Guide defines plagiarism as “the appropriation of ideas, processes, results or words of another person without giving an appropriate loan.”
In February 18, 2025, Shumer seems to have acknowledged plagiarism.
“I do not believe that a professional report necessarily represents a survey and [] This guideline for standard practices in M may or may not be applied to a professional report. Also, as an expert in this case, I do not perform duties related to my role at the University of Michigan, “said Shumer.” All that is said, I think it is clear that some words I used used from other sources without a proper loan and that it fulfills this definition. ”
When asked during the deposition: “Why do you think you should have listed reports in your professional report now?”
Shumer replied, “Because I believe it is right to do it when – when there is a material that is – which initially wrote someone else you use to make a similar point.”
In the claims, he said that among the services provided at the Gender and Adolescents Clinic at the Mott Children’s Hospital, which is a clinical director, “medical intervention, such as GNRH agonists or 19 hormones that confirm the gender.”
Shumer is also an expert in cases against Executive command of President Donald Trump “The protection of children from chemical and surgical maints.”
Dr. Daniel Shumer and a transgender flag. (Photo: Dr. Daniel Shumer’s screenshot on the University of Michigan Health website, Transgender Flag: Mike Kemp/in Picture via Getty Images).
It was presented in various posts on social networks from Stand with Trans with a Trans, an organization “founded to create a safe and supporting space for transgender young people and their loved ones,” connecting various sessions and both sessions on Facebook and Instagram He gave as part of a trans emponing of the moon celebrated every October.
In Instagram on September 12, 2024, stand with a trance called Shumer, a “leading pediatric endocrinologist”, and said that he would “break the common myths and go through the process of recommendation for a pediatric native clinic, offering invaluable information for both young and parents.”
Fox News Digital He reached for Shumer and the University of Michigan to comment, but did not immediately get an answer.
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