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Airline passengers say that the woman stole Flyer’s place before negotiating a ‘rude’ request. Social media users respond

As flyers see the rise of seats of seats on the planes, other passengers believe that negotiating is to replace the better alternative to robbery allocated places.

Still, it seems that everyone disagrees with the replacement, because one Reddit user has questioned “label” behind, looking for someone to switch to places on the plane.

The user published in the R/Unitedairlines sub-navoj to share the recent meeting he witnessed the flight.

Discussion of the Sidinski examinations of Sidinski examinations in the aircraft because it refuses to replace with an older woman

“Right now, an older woman sitting next to me moved with her two rows from 14e to 12C next to her adult daughter and granddaughter during boarding,” the user wrote, who claimed to fly United Airlines.

The flight traveler (not in the picture) was posted on Reddit about the recent encounter with the seat switch, which led to others to push themselves in the seat to switch seats. (East)

“It was announced Complete flight So, while the seat was empty, the family knew that someone was coming for it. “

The traveler who moved the turn, eventually asked the correct passenger to replace the seats – giving a “massive guy” choice to take a passage of a pass by a child or a middle seat.

Passenger flight requested to transfer places 3 times 3 different people on 1 trip

The Reddit user estimated that the passenger was 6 feet high, 3 inches and noticed that he seemed irritated at the request, but decided on the middle seat.

The traveler who wanted to replace the places (not in the picture) but was in the new headquarters before the actual owner of the seat arrived on the ship, according to the recent Reddit Post. (East)

“For me, the movement of the seat is ahead of time, and then to look for a replacement, it is truly rude, especially when it is a reduction,” the user wrote.

“The only thing I see on the other side of the coin is maybe a grandmother besides the baby avoids crying and a better plane ride. Still, it seems like bad behavior.”

Redditor updated the post, stating that stewardess He intervened on board and told the passenger who replaced the seats and even offered him a free box for a snack and drink.

Flight passenger ‘harassed’ after refusing to replace the seat, triggers reactions on social media

“After landing, I think Mom felt guilty … She said very loudly that he didn’t have to move if he didn’t want to, but he didn’t really thank him directly or show a shame. A very unusual person,” the user wrote.

The flight flight on board (not in the picture) eventually apologized to the man who transferred the places and even gave him free snacks and drinks, the Reddit user wrote. (East)

Fox News Digital addressed United Airlines and the original Reddit poster for comment.

Other users commented on the thread to share their thinking about the seat switching label.

“When you tolerate the seat, you encourage them to repeat their bad behavior in the future,” commented one Reddit user.

“I would be less inclined to replace myself with someone if they made me” first, ask yourself later “, even if it is a fair replacement. Even if this is a small upgrade, I could say no. Taking it without asking it first and deserves a return,” the other person wrote.

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“A simple answer: there is no etiquette to replace the seat. They should have purchased a seat or whisked,” commented the second Redditor.

A label expert based in California (not in the picture) said it was okay to ask for replacement of places on the plane if you do it politely. (East)

California Rosalinda Randall label expert previously told Fox News Digital that “No one has an obligation Transfer their seat. “

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“A person who tolerates the request has no right to expect [this]Or make a scene when they don’t get on the road, “Randall said.

Randall said it was okay to ask for the transfer of the place if it was decent, but the request, no matter how decent, could still frustrate other passengers.

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“Think about this: you may be more lucky if the flight attendant announces or may offer to buy them drink Or two, pay for airlines, pay them cash/transfer funds, “she added.

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