
Larry Kudlow: Sheriff Pam Bondi again makes New York brilliant

After only a few days of the oath as the chief lawyer, Pam Bondi sets the law, especially on illegal immigration. And especially about illegal immigration in New York.

All New Yorkers – in the city, suburbs and upstate – should cheer her for the fact that Empire State becomes a safer and more decent place to live.

Here’s what she had to say:

This is a new impression, and we take steps to protect Americans, American citizens and angelic moms … New York has decided to prioritize illegal foreigners over American citizens. It stops. Today it stops – as you know, we sued Illinois, and New York did not listen. So now you’re next.

– Main lawyer Pam Bondi, February 12

And our new sheriff Bondi goes after something called the Green Law in New York, which allows illegal immigrants to make driving licenses and preventing motor vehicles to say Ice.

So, Bondi sued all New York Trump syndrome syndrome, including the so -called General Prosecutor Flash James and the so -called District Prosecutor Manhattan Alvin Bragg.

And, because of that, Bondi threw a DMV commissioner, which no one had ever heard of.

The point is here that the new Trump ministry passes through the shrine and state, to the left and right. Bondi has already hit Illinois and now hits New York.

And, of course, the extremely left James-Bragg left-wing Soviet Kabbal deserves everything they get to attempt a jihad weapon against President Donald Trumpwhere they tried to throw him in prison for 700 years, take away all his companies and bankrupt him.

All of this was one of the greatest abortions of justice in history.

Whether AG Bondi has been in mind that we will never know it, but Bravo for her to properly claim that the state of law is replaced by state and local law. And they give Tom Homan and his icy brigade the right to capture and deport the killers and rapists who violated the law.

There is no escape for them under the new sheriffs named Trump. And these local Yokel New York officials can whine as much as they want, but the voter tide turned against them.

And then we come to the case of Mayor Eric Adams, whose greatest crime during Biden’s year was to start cooperation with federal officials to stop the flood of the illegal who come to the Red Apple. Thus, Bidens armed the legal system against it.

A light indictment from the Biden Justice Department tried to exhibit it, basically because it does nothing more than taking several upgrades of first -class airline seats and helping a foreign embassy to get a faster repair job.

The Trump-Bondi Ministry of Justice has dismissed the indictment against Mayor Adams. And now you have several assistants of American lawyers who scream like Banshees, with very visible letters to resignation that doesn’t really care.

Left -wing news tells us how great these former prosecutors are, but if so, they are just smart or patriotic wit.

They are not street, without common sense, because Adams cooperates with Bondi and Homania to get the illegals out of New York and make New York again, even the reopening of ice facilities on Rikers Island.

You could say that the new Trump sheriffs are now arming justice in favor of Mayor Adams – but so that he can fight against migrant crime and get rid of the illegal.

I call this good weapon. High moral weapons. Law and order, security weapons.

And because of his good works, Democratic Mayor Eric Adams is mentioned as possible Republican Mayor Eric Adams.

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