Energy experts Blast failed to project DoE for $ 1 billion as “Financial Boondogle”, “Disaster”

Main Solar power plant project This has been approved more than $ 1 billion of federal loans on the way is to close, and energy experts have exploded the project as a “boondogle” that has harmed the environment.
In 2011, the US Ministry of Energy (DOE) under former President Barack Obama issued $ 1.6 billion guarantees for a loan to financing the Ivanpah Solar Energy Plant, a green energy project consisting of three Solar concentration power plants In California.
The plant was published by the then Secretary of the Energy Ernest Moniz as “an example of how America becomes a worldwide leader in solar energy.” But after 10 years, the Federal Funding Plant is now on the road to close.
“Ivanpah is another unsuccessful boondogle Green Energy, much like Solyndra,” said Jason Isaac, Executive Director of the US Energy Institute, US Energy Probing Groups, for Fox News Digital in a statement. “Despite receiving $ 1.6 billion guarantees of federal loans, she never fulfilled her promises, creating less electricity than expected, while relying on natural gas to remain operative.”
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Ivanpah solar power plant (US Energy Ministry)
“Now, with canceled power contracts, Ivanpah is a testimony of waste and inefficiency of the energy schemes of the government subsidized,” Isaac said.
Ivanpah consists of three individual units, two of which contracted the Pacific Gas & Electric (PG & E) in 2009 and was planned to last until 2039.
In January, PG & e announced that he was planning to cancel his agreement with Ivanpah 14 years earlier, finding that he would “end the agreements at the moment to save customers’ money compared to holding holds by 2039.” – Ultimately, Ivanpah to close yourself.
“The Ivanpah plant was a financial disaster and an ecological disaster,” said Julia Dowell of the Sierra Club, the Environmental Protection Group, she said about the power plant.
The $ 1.6 billion loan loan Ivanpah was delivered under the administration of former President Obama. (AP)
“With the killing of thousands of birds and turtles, the construction of the project has destroyed an irreplaceable intact desert habitat along with numerous rare vegetable species,” Dowell said. “While Sierra Club strongly supports innovative solutions for pure energy and recognizes the urgent need for a transition from fossil fuels, Ivanpah has shown that not all renewable technology is created equal.”
This comes after the second Green Energy project, which was funded by the DOE, went bankrupt in 2011 after receiving $ 535 million from Obama’s administration from the Obama administration.
“Green projects have a long history of expensive disaster with a subsidy of taxpayers who are becoming more and more,” said Steve Milloy, an older colleague of the Law Institute for Energy and Environmental Protection and former Trump EPA transition team member, he said in a Fox statement.
Chris Wright, the Liberty Energy Inc CEO has recently been confirmed that he runs the US Energy Ministry under Trump’s administration. (Al Drago)
Milloy suggested that further failures in green energy can derive from projects that funded the recent legislation supported by a democrat that aims to encourage the Green Energy Program.
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“We will soon study the larger size failures than Green New Deal. No green project that relies on taxpayers’ subsidies have never had economic or environmental sense,” Milloy said. “It is important that President Trump stops the Bleeding of the Taxpayer by finishing what he exactly calls the green new fraud.”