
Sam Kerr: Met cop says he was “determined in the persecution” of Chelsea football players | Football news

Policeman Met said he was “determined in the persecution of” Chelsea’s criminal prosecution Sam Kerra after calling him “stupid and white”, he heard the court.

Australia International Kerr is a trial accused of causing a racially aggravated harassment of PC Stephen Lovella during an incident in the southwest of London in the early hours of January 30, 2023.

It is alleged that Kerr, 31, and her partner, midfielder West Ham Kristie Mewis, drank when a taxi driver drove them to the Twickenham Police Station who complained that they refused to pay the cleaning costs after one of them was ill and one from them broke the back window of the vehicle.

Women told police officers that the driver “played in a crazy way” driving very quickly, repeatedly stopping and accelerating again, locking them in the car and refusing to release them for about 15 minutes, he heard the trial continued on Tuesday.

PC Lovell camera shots were previously played by jurors, in which Kerr says PC Lovell and PC Samuel Limb that she and Mrs. Mewis “very scared” and “tried to escape” when they damaged the vehicle.

At the Kerr Police Station, he allegedly became “violent and offensive” according to PC Lovell, calling him “stupid and white.”

Kerr accepts the commenting, but denies that they are charging.

Prosecutor’s Office Crown originally decided not to accuse Kerra, he listened to the court.

PC Loveell said he only made a statement stating that Mrs. Kerr comments caused an alarm or harassment after that decision.

In his first statement, the CPS did not mention the “stupid and white” comment that has an impact on it, the jury said.

Police filed a request for reviewing the CPS decision not to prosecute, and she replied that the outcome would be limited to an apology, the court listened.

Prosecutors later requested further evidence, and the second statement of PC Lovell was submitted in December 2023, mentioning the alleged influence.

He read part of the statement to the court in which he said that the comments were “shocked, upset and (left me) to feel humiliated.”

The charge was approved later in December 2023, almost a year after the incident.

Grace Forbes, defending Kerr, said during a cross -examination: “The only reason you made that statement was that the Crown prosecution refused to approve the criminal complaint for Mrs. Kerr’s prosecution.”

He answered “No” before agreed that the officers were involved in whether he would chase criminal prosecution in August 2023.

“During July and August 2023, he played the Women’s World Cup,” the defense lawyer said.

PC Lovell replied, “If you say so, yes.”

Mrs. Forbes said “Mrs. Kerr played for her country” and “would be a whole television – do you remember seeing her?”

The police officer denied that he saw the attacker on TV before the defense lawyer said “that person who made you irrelevant.”

She added, “You were determined to persecute this person, right?”

PC Lovell said “Yes,” and Mrs. Forbes asked “through the criminal courts?”

The policeman said again “yes.”

Mrs. Forbes noted that CPS originally did not find evidence of harassment or alarm caused by Kerro’s comments, and proposed a second PC Lovell statement described their effect “exclusively to receive a criminal complaint over the line.”

While reviewing Prosecutor Bill Emlyn Jones KC, PC Lovell told the jury that he called him “f ****** stupid” made him feel “belittled and upset”.

Asked how “f ****** stupid and white was felt,” he said “it felt very unnecessary.”

Mr. Jones asked if his race had “any relevance as much as you could see what was happening,” and PC Lovell said “No,” and later added that the reference to him “upset me, I suppose.”

The prosecutor asked, “Is that true, PC Lovell, that you just did something to get a charge over the line?” And he replied, “No, I didn’t invent it to get over the line.”

The trial continues.

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