Ebola kills a nurse in the Uganda Campal capital, the first death from the virus since the last outbreak ended in 2023.
Campal, Uganda – The nurse died in the Uganda capital, Campal Ebolasaid a health official on Thursday, in the first recorded mortality The last epidemic ended in 2023. Diana Atwine, a permanent secretary of the Ministry of Health, told reporters that a 32-year-old male patient was an employee of the hospital of Mulalaga, the main referal institution in Kampali.
After the development of the fever, the patient was treated in several locations in Uganda, before he confirmed that he had suffered from Ebola before several laboratory tests. The patient died on Wednesday and Ebola was confirmed after postmortem tests, Atwine said.
Health authorities were “in full control of the situation,” she said.
Ebola, which spreads by contact with body fluids of an infected person or contaminated materials, manifests as a deadly hemorrhagic fever. Symptoms include fever, vomiting, diarrhea, muscle pain and sometimes internal and external bleeding.
The list of at least 44 contacts of the patient, including 30 healthcare professionals and patients at the Kampali Hospital, according to the Uganda Ministry of Health.
Scientists do not know the natural reservoir of Ebola, but they suspect that the first person infected in the epidemic has acquired the virus through contact with the infected animal or eating its raw meat. Ugandan officials are still exploring the source of the current epidemic.
Uganda had multiple Ebola epidemics, including one 2000 year in which hundreds were killed. EBOLA 2014-16 Entry in West Africa killed more than 11,000 peopleMost of the dead diseases.
Ebola was discovered in 1976 in the middle of two simultaneous epidemics in southern Sudan and Kong, where it occurred in the village near the Ebola River, by which the disease was appointed.