Trump’s Sondi Ny District Education Department for alleged discrimination
President Donald Trump’s Ministry of Education has launched an investigation into the Central New York school district for alleged student discrimination based on their race.
“We are glad to Department Education has opened a formal investigation of racial discrimination of white students at ICSD, “Cornell Professor William Jacobson and founder Equal protection projectHe said about the I Ithac City School, in a statement to Fox News Digital.
“Discrimination was deliberate, open and offensive, Ila was so far away that the event was often explained on the event of an event why white students were not invited,” Jacobson added.
The appeal, which Jacobson, the founder of the same protection project, filed on August 12, 2024, the founder of the same protection project, claims that “the four -year systematic exclusion of white students from the annual meetings of students of Color United (Soc) at the ICDC (ICSD) city school neighborhood (ICSD) (ICSD) in Ithaci, New York. ”
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Appeal acknowledges that the leadership of the IThac City School District denies any Discrimination practice.
They quote communication from the 2023 school district at the Civic Rights Office saying that “District informed OCR that the affinity groups listed in the announcement and scheduled for February 8, 2023. OCR that OCR gave it out that all the programming of the district is open to all participants regardless of the race and there are no groups for affinity or other programs excluded on the basis of a race.
But the project of equal protection claims that there was a constant practice of discrimination in the appeal, saying that “at least four years, from 2021-2024, and administrators, the knowledge of the Committee on Education, and despite multiple complaints on racial discriminatory practice of members of the community members.”
They add that “the section with frequently set issues on the official Falcon website even included the explanation” Why were white students not invited? “And he demanded that students’ registration admit that this event is just a color student.” ”
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A 27 January 2025. A letter to Jacobson from Civic Rights Office He points out that since the ITHaca City School is a public school, it must be in accordance with the title VI Civil Rights Act, which prohibits discrimination of races, colors and national origin for any activity or program that receives federal funding.
“As the recipient of the federal financial assistance of the Department, the district must be in accordance with the title VI and its implementing regulations,” the letter states.
“OCR will explore the following question: whether the district subjected students to different treatments on the basics of race and colors sponsoring students in the United Summits who excluded white students in the violation of the title VI and its regulations.”
Last week, President Donald Trump issued an executive order to stop the program of diversity, capital and inclusion.
Jacobson told Fox News Digital that the IThac School District “must be responsible for a four -year discrimination campaign, which is also known for the highest levels of administration and the Committee on Education, despite the complaints of the community complaints on discrimination.
The IThaca City School Quarter did not immediately respond to the comment request.
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