Is your hangover actually an intolerance to alcohol or allergy?

Nausea, headache, light sensitivity and sound are common symptoms of hangovers, and most will disappear as a body over time acts on alcohol processing.
But that’s not just a hangover, a Fox News Digital doctor told. These symptoms could be something else – like allergy to alcohol or alcohol intolerance.
“If you feel awful after drinking alcohol, it’s not always a hangover,” Dr. Raj Dasgupt of California told Fox News Digital.
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“Although a hangover is the most common reaction to overstation, some people can actually deal with alcohol into an allergy into allergy, and both can feel very different.”
Dasgupta specializes in internal medicine with Huntington Health in the Los Angeles area.
The person who feels sick after a night out is probably a hangover – but that could be something else. (East)
A hangover, Dasgupta said, “what is happening when you drink More alcohol than your body can be worn. It is a combination of dehydration, electrolyte imbalance, inflammation and liver that works overtime to process alcohol. “
Sometimes a hangover can be avoided, he said, “If you oppose and stay moisturized.”
Alcohol intolerance is a reaction that happens quickly, often within minutes.
However, one thing that cannot be avoided for certain people is intolerance to alcohol.
“An alcohol intolerance is a reaction that happens quickly, often within a few minutes from small alcohol,” he said.
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Those with alcohol intolerance have an enzyme deficiency, Dasgupta said and are unable to break alcohol.
“The usual symptoms include rinsing (especially in the face), congested nose, nausea ia ia racing heartbeats,“He said.” It is not drunk here too. It is your body signals that it cannot handle alcohol well at all. “
A person with alcohol or allergy intolerance is likely to notice the symptoms immediately after drinking. (East)
While “much rarer” than a hangover or intolerance to alcohol, a person who feels sick after that alcohol He may suffer from alcohol allergy, Dasgupta told Fox News Digital.
“Allergy to alcohol is much rarer, but also more serious,” he said. “It’s an immune response to something in a drink, As the barley iswheat, yeast or sulphites. “
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A person who has alcohol allergy will have a “almost immediately” reaction after consuming it.
“Symptoms may include hives, swelling, difficult breathing, stomach pain Or even anaphylaxis, “said it can be a life-threatening.
Symptoms of alcohol intolerance include exhausted face and nausea. (East)
“So it is key to seek Medical assistance If they show up, “Dasgupta said.
However, if a person feels good by the morning after, he most likely has a hangover, Dasgupta said – and that will disappear with time.
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Still, “If [symptoms] Appear immediately after drinking, pay attention, “he said.
“Rinsing and mild discomfort can indicate intolerance, while everything involving swelling or trouble in breathing is probably allergy and requires immediate medical attention,” he said.
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