The small town in Washington is only available through Canada is so injured by a trade war, even sales at its 40% alcoholic beverage store

In the northwestern corner of the Washington State is a strange American expert that depended on the goodwill of Canada that the stress Tariff War President Donald Trump is inevitable – in the only food store, in any of the three dishes, and for many residents who have never voted for it.
Locals and visitors equally in Point Roberts, Washington, are increasingly concerned about how this unusual border town on the coast that embodiedthe interdependence of the two countriesCan survive the hostility that is cooked on both sides.
“This was really devastating,” said Tamra Hansen, a longtime resident of Roberts and owner of a company whose eyes were a tear as she described her two restaurants on the edge. “If we don’t get support from Canadians, this city will die.”
Known as a geographical strangeness since the border with Canada was pulled out in 1846, this separate community of 5 square kilometers-exclusive because it is completely separated from the mainland America-embroidered water on three sides. Its only land connection is with Canada and one border crossing is needed and about 25 miles north to reach the Vancouver center, BC; or two border crossings and about 25 miles through Canada to re -enter the United States along the border bay.
The beaches, marines, golf courses and mountaineering trails have long been set up by Roberts Roberts with a lovely escape destination, but today the locals say that the job has never been worse. Canadian visitors remain away, and some American residents say they are even harassed by their nationality.
Point Roberts Chief Christopher Carleton said that the point of Roberts is one of the last left -off natural jewels of the United States, but a narrow community is now threatened by politicians who know nothing about their lifestyle.
“We have to take care of each other and have mercy on each other and not allow people who do not even know that we exist to disrupt the relationships we currently have,” said Carleton, whose firefighters mostly live across the border.
Tension between the US -ai Canadahave in modern times encourage the level that has not been seen beforeTrump’s, again, againThreat in the last two months that the tax on a long list of goods are going across the border. In response, Canada promisedretribution.
For a land that was known to be beautiful, decent and loyal allies, Canadians do not hide their disgust over Trump’s polarization rhetoric, especially offended by the statement of the US president that Canada could be “”51. State. “
Mark Nykolaichk said he refused to go to the US in the United States, but describes the Roberts point as a unique exception, because here the border never felt like a real division for Canadians like the one who grew up visiting.
Most of the property owners are here from Canada, and many of the 1,000 inhabitants have double citizenship throughout the year. Once the flourishing of the fishing city, the leading industry, according to US data on the census, is retail – primarily guided from tourism due to the number of real estate for holidays. The formerly -arrogant community of Whatcom County is mostly a retirement home, although this year there are seven students at a lonely public school – the nickname “Bordeites”.
Nykolaichk, who lives in Vancouver, BC, said he hoped he would be able to help Point Roberts the international market there to open there, since the management reports are 20% at 30%. He depends on Roberts Roberts’s only store so that he can cook in his holiday home, because the US customs customs customs meat does not allow, for example, raw meat to enter his borders, so he has to buy it in the city.
“No one wants to see this place closes,” Nykolaichh said. “If this place goes, where will citizens eat now? Where will they get food?”
Many do not blame the Canadians in connection with Roberts for their contempt for Trump’s perceived sovereignty threats. Instead, there is deep sadness for both sides.
“We always got along and that’s just meaningless because it will suffer now and now,” Hansen said, who is a double. “I definitely feel Canadian people at the moment because they really got their back along the wall, and they have to take revenge.”
Like many locals, Larry Musselwhite, owner of Larry’s Liquor Locker, is angry with Trump and accuses the President of the Economic Problems of Point Roberts. The 75-year-old said he could not currently think about retirement because of the economy. His alcoholic beverage store reduced 40% of sales last month.
“This is because of our elected president, who really doesn’t care about the ordinary man and struggles we have to go through,” Musselwhite said. “This greatly affects how I live my life.”
About 75% of the Roberts point voted for the presidential candidate except Trump, which is a higher percentage than in Whatcom County, as well as turnout throughout the country, according to the 2024 election results.
The locals say that one of the most frustrating things about Tit-for-Tat the way the tariffs arethey suddenly started and stoppedcreating an unstable flow of changes in customs. Whiplash for residents who often cross the border repeatedly leave them safe if or when they will be surprised by a new punishment.
Because of the unexpected tariff fees, the fear made people careful about buying things in Roberts – if they enter the city at all.
Hugh Wilson, a real estate agent that also manages several local Airbnb The census, the aforementioned properties have seen more dismissals lately than reservations.
“No one is sure of the rules in any day here,” Wilson said. “Border agents do the best they can to be in progress and they transmit it as normal people crossing the border.”
Without the end in sight, it is also afraid of high roles so that the dispute can escalate with Canada, which could impose tariffs on the water andcurrentto supply to direct Roberts, or even exclude municipal services.
“If it becomes brutal, they can cut off water just like that or power,” said Brian Calder, a resident of the fourth generation, who was previously president of the Chamber of Commerce Point Roberts. “And it just depends on how many more confrontation stimulates Trump’s office.”
Calder said he and other city leaders try to pray for help with Prime Minister British Columbia and Governor of Washington State. He said that the local leadership of the Whatc County, but it left so distant community at the time of the crisis.
Jed Holmes, a spokesman for the county, said they were communicating with the Washington Congress delegation in DC to address the rapid deterioration of the US-Kanade relations that particularly influenced the Roberts point.
“I understand that people want to do more, but it is really challenging to determine which significant things the county government can do to change this dynamics at international level,” said Holmes Ue -Poruci.
For Hansen, he wonders how much more he can afford to lose personally while leading a breakfast place with Saltwater Cafe and a restaurant called The Pier. There are 15 employees to pay, but in February, the job reduced 55% compared to last year. There have been cases where her pub does not have as much as $ 100 a day.
“There are some companies that are currently coming out of work while talking,” Hansen said. “For me, this is very emotional because I care about everyone who lives here.”
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