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Poll reveals that more than half of Americans lie to their dentists about oral hygiene

Over half of Americans lies through their teeth – around the teeth.

This is, according to the new survey conducted by research research, and has ordered aspen Dental, who asked 2,000 adult Americans about their dental hygieneas Swws reported.

The study spoke of mixed emotions that Americans experience when it comes to dental visits, including Fear, anxiety And discomfort, which can often lead to delayed care.

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In a poll, 60% of respondents acknowledged that they wanted to impress their dentist during a visit to the office, which brought them 57% to their dental hygiene.

Over half of those in the study admitted that they wanted to impress their dentist during a visit to the office. (East)

Yet, 48% of people said they believe their dentists can see precisely through their lies, according to SWWS.

Sixty -four percent of respondents said they felt guilty of their dishonesty. The millenniums and gene Xers felt the least guilty of lying to the older Americans.

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A third of those who lied to the dentist (33%) simply did not want their dentist to think less about them, while Petina (19%) said that it did not mean to be dishonest, but that “panic lay” by accident, especially among the genes of Zersima (27%), according to SWWS.

Obstacles to dental care

Anxiety is the biggest obstacle that Americans prevent from visiting a dentist (24%) and affects 29% of women and 17% of men, research has shown.

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Twenty -two percent said that the real dental work put them away, and Baby Boomers felt the most unusual in this regard. And 13% avoided the dental office because they were embarrassed by their poor dental hygiene.

The study also found that almost a quarter of Americans (22%) had discomfort or mouth pain at least once a week, and the millennials had experienced more discomfort than other generations (34%).

More women than men expressed a sense of anxiety when it comes to dental meetings. (East)

These factors can contribute to 45% of respondents who have not visited the dentist in the last year and almost one of five Americans (19%) who have not seen the interior of the dentist office in five years.

Almost one five people have not seen the interior of the dentist office in five years.

“Maintaining adequate oral health can be irresistible,” Dr. Taylor Sutton, owner of a multiple practical owner and practicing a dentist at Aspen Dental in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, told Suts.

“That is why it is so important to have a dentist you feel comfortable with, who shows empathy and leaves all the judgment on the door.”

After leaving the dentist, respondents reported that after eight days after they returned to the old routines after returning to the old routines. (East)

Dr. Tracy Redden, a multi -practice owner and a practical dentist at Aspen Dental in Boston, reiterated the importance of proper oral care.

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“Ignoring oral hygiene – no matter what your reason – can lead to serious health problems,” she told Swns.

“Your mouth is the entrance to your body that can affect your overall health. Maintenance of oral health is not a choice but the need for our Overall well -being. “

Dental dos and not

When they left the dental office determined to maintain better tooth health, respondents said that their good hygiene habits last about eight days before they return to bad habits.

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Over half of the survey, the respondents admitted that they did not regularly throw themselves away, and almost seven out of 10 said to brush their teeth less than two minutes in the session.

“You may not need to use dental thread as often as a toothpaste but that should still be part of your daily dental cleaning“Said Dr. Arash Ravanbakhsh of the Inglewood Dental family in Alberti, Canada UE -Fox News Digital.

The millenniums and gene Xers felt the least guilty of lying to their dentists compared to older Americans. (East)

“Although dentists recommend that you make your teeth twice a day, this is not the only method of cleaning you should use on a daily basis. The mouthwash and flossing are also playing a huge role in maintaining your oral hygiene In a superior condition, “Ravanbakhsh added.

One mistake patients make it when cleaning at home is to use too much pressure when brushing, the doctor states.

“You may not need to use the Dental Flos as often as a toothpaste, but it should still be part of your daily teeth cleansing.”

“Just because you bake your teeth harder does not mean that you give them more thorough clean,” he wrote. “In fact, this could damage your teeth and gums.”

To safely and properly clean your teeth, Ravanbakhsh recommends using a hand brush with soft bristles or an electric toothbrush.

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