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No, ‘nerds’ and their technologies will not save the world | Technology

The United States is in the middle of a soft coup. The country changes and restructured under the second administration of Donald Trump. It is not Trump, but his special adviser to the billionaire, head of Elon Elon Musk, Elon Musk, who leads this change. And there is one demographic group in Main’s America, which seems to have found itself in the center stage and quickly received power: “Nerde”.

Indeed, Musk -ov Mendoint Band of Merry, Young white and white anolitesincluding Gavin Kliger,, Edward Corristineand Marko Elezwhich gained control over government systems with more billion billion, easily fits the nerd mold.

Information age and online age he created in the 1990s have already seen “nerds” – clumsy, unattractive men with limited social skills, but immensely committed and enthusiasm for technology and STEM – become billions and gained wide respect and admiration of world technologies that change life. It was, we were repeatedly reminded, the nerds first gave us computers and imacs, then the iPhone and Android.

In numerous articles in technological journals and in films such as Revenge of the Nerds (1984), Oppenheimer (2023), Steve Jobs (2015) and The Social Network (2010), creatives showed nuclei as developers of nuclear weapons J Robert Oppenheimer, Apple’s Steve, and Meta’s Underdd. The popular media has long described such nervous visionaries as complex people with a huge need to save the world and make it a better place.

Three decades ago, the British Channel 4 and the American Public RadioDiphus (PBS) broadcast a three -part documentary called Triumph of the Nerds. Referring of the computer revolution of The Nerd Set launched between 1975 and 1995, longtime technology journalist Said Robert X“The most amazing is that it happened by accident because the crowd of rejected nerds wanted to impress her friends.”

This perception of a billionaire nerd so far could be a deeply rooted part of our culture, but the idea that the robbery Barons from the end of the 20th century accumulated enormous wealth, almost by accident, while trying to save the world is a funny lie. Especially given the ways of iron we know many “nerd billionaires” Job and Bill Gates – They led their capitalist ventures.

In light of a heavy censorship that billions love Jeff Bezos and Patrick soon shiong In recent months, they have been practicing with the Washington Post and The Los Angeles Times, it is obvious that the class of technology is also wanted to control the flow of truth.

A much better description of the “nerd” who ruled America under Trump gave in one line in a deadly weapon 2 (1989), when Martin Riggs (Mel Gibson), extremely elected to the South African Consulate, said to Ajna Rudda (Joss Ackland) and his group Apartheid.

This quote is far more than only references to musk suspicious path to US citizenship through South Africa and Canada. It is a reality that, like South African assistants in a deadly weapon of 2, technological nervous billionaires like men and people he hired in Doge believe in Apartheid, Eugenik and other racist, misogynistic and queerfobic paradigms. Of course, many of the musk Fanboy are engineers, they can write and contribute to Tesla, Spacex and Starlink, which lead to important and useful discoveries and inventions. Still, they also set up tweets on the X and other social media platforms that are called a woman “HUZZ” or declare “I just want an eugenic immigration policy, is it too much to ask?”. They are not very big role models of multicultural democracy or any workforce. And, like whites in general, they don’t seem to be worried about making the world a better place for anyone but themselves. They would get too easily agreed Zuckerberg’s funny claim That the technological world needs more “male energy”, when, in fact, white people remain a dominant demographic category that runs this economic sector.

Once I was part of a computer crazy world of nerds in the 1980s and 1990s. I learned Basic in eighth grade, took Pascal in 11th grade and spent the first three semesters at the Pittsburgh University as the main information sciences before changing the way to become a writer and academic historian. As a work studio student, I worked at Pitt’s computer laboratories for two years. I noticed that my equally geeky associates joked about our “computer illiterate” classmates (including regular use R-Rijeka). I watched my men’s colleagues too close to women who need their help in dealing with a computer problem. And in my last three months of staff, I have experienced a sexual and racial harassment from an older white woman, an associate who tucked me twice while at work.

Social awkwardness can be easily portrayed as innocent and lovely in the film. But rarely, if it is ever translated to “sweet” in a world that is socially missed by racist, misogynistic, queerfobic and xenophobic behavior. Nerdi or not, all white men in a white male superior society hold a metric tone of racial and gender privileges – a sense of rights that, when remained untested, does not differentiate them from “cool” white guys. Booger asking Gilbert“Why? Is there a penis?” “The transfobic reference to his friend who has not laid in the revenge of the nerd – not much different from Musk declaring that he “lost” his “son” – his alienated transgender daughter Vivian Jenna Wilson – “Awakened Mind Virus.”

There is also a built -in assumption that the technologies created by the elite set have always been good for the world. Not when Social media addiction He led to millions of younger Americans to become depressed, anxious and isolated. Not with New generation of American males Doxxing and commit sexual abuse based on pictures against girls and women. Certainly not when Plagiaric machinery AI (which is not true artificial intelligence anyway) are the tools of choice for people who do not want to develop critical thinking, media literacy and writing skills.

In this world, the privilege of white male male privileges, to be a cool athlete versus a dictatorial, socially clumsy pen neck of the pen is a truly difference without difference. Nerdi and their technological breakthroughs should have just strengthened and enrich their individual worlds for the better. Because of this, no one in any other Nerda Biliana camp used his skills to break into Apple or Amazon’s offshore accounts and redistributed to daily dollars to everyday Americans. Nor did they delete the student debt of every student in the country. Because in the end, these nerds want wealth and power over marginalized people.

The views expressed in this article are the author’s and do not reflect the editorial position of Al Jazeere.

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