New York comic should be renamed Texas Strip, Lieutenant Dan Patrick Says

Governor Texas Lieutenant Wants to Change Cutting Name steak.
The Texas Lieutenant Dana Patrick suggested in a post on social media that the New York lane should be renamed in honor of Lone Star.
On Friday, Patrick expressed his thoughts on X after a meeting with the Texas Association of Live Forests.
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When several members said their favorite cut was a New York comic book, Patrick wanted to know “why didn’t we call him” Texas comic “because New York mostly has milk cows.”
“Just because a New York restaurant by name Texas beef The New York comic book in the 19th century does not mean that we have to continue doing it, “Patrick wrote.
Patrick continued that a resolution “to officially change the name” “New York comic” to “Texas comic” would be submitted in the Texas Senate.
He said The restaurants will be Asked “To change the name of this meat strip the next time they print their menus.”
Can the “New York comic” cut cuts become known as “Texas Strip”? (East)
Food products will be sought after to do the same in the hope that they will “capture all over the country and around the world.”
“In a world filled with serious questions we deal with in Texas Capitol every day, this simple resolution will help the better Texas beef market,” Patrick wrote. “That’s good for the Texas Stoke Industry.”
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Texas has about 12.2 million cattle chiefs – mostly in America, Patrick said.
The Texas Association of Live feeders is an industry that feeds on cattle in Texas, Oklahoma and Novi Mexico. It is the largest region for feeding cattle in the US, according to the website of the Texas Association for Live Hospiters, and its members of the market of more than 6 million Fed cattle-in-law 25% of the total population of the FEDs produced in the country.
Texas has about 12.2 million cattle bosses, more than any other country in America, said Lieutenant Dan Patrick. (East)
“Liberal New York should not receive credit for our diligent ranchers,” Patrick continued. “We promote the Texas brand on everything that has been done or grown in Texas, because it uses our economy and jobs.”
The comic book steak is known for many names – including Kansas City Strip and Omaha Strip – but most people in the US call it New York comic book, according to a blog post on the Omaha website.
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“So why” New York “held?” The post said. “Simple: that’s where it all started – a big New York steak.”
Elsewhere in the world, steak It is known as Sirloin (Australia and the United Kingdom) and Striploin (Canada).
The New York tape is known for many names in the US, including Kansas City or Omaha Strips. (East)
Patrick has been a Lieutenant of the Governor of Texas since 2015.
According to the provisions of the Texas Constitution, Lieutenant is also the President of the Texas Senate.
“After the session is over this summer, I might be cruising briefly across the American Bay and having a juicy medium -sized Texas lane,” Patrick wrote.
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Fox News Digital addressed Patrick’s office for further comment.
The Fox News Digital also addressed the Texas Association for Food for Livestock and the National Association of Beef Livestock Loaders Seeking Comment.