Nasa -ini scrubs promise to land the first woman, the first color in the moon on the moon with websites

The campaign of US President Donald Trump to remove efforts for the diversity and language of government organizations has officially reached the moon, and NASA is to delete references to its promise to land the first woman and the first color person on a lunar surface with several of his websites, citing Trump.
Five years ago, the Space Agency promised that his Artemis would achieve both aim, and at the same time he put on the month of the first non -American astronaut.
But references to this have recently been taken away from NASA’s websites.
From March 14, Artemis’s main page said: “Nasa will land the first woman, the first color in color and the first international astronaut partner on the month using innovative technologies to explore more lunar surfaces than ever,” UA said Recording taken by Wayback MachineInternet archive.
To March 16, That sentence is gone.
The Space Agency also deleted the page, also preserved on the Wayback machineAdvertising the graphic novel 2023. Inspired by the missions of Artemis, who told the fictional story of the first woman on the moon.
Somewhere else on Nasa’s website, the language is still there – a 2023 article The mission of Artemis III states that “will land the first woman and the first color” on the lunar surface.
When asked about these removal, the Space Agency confirmed that because of Trump, which Executive commands issued Against diversity, equality and inclusion (dei) efforts in January.
“In accordance with the executive command signed by President Trump, NASA updates his tongue to better reflect the basic mission of Artemis campaign: the return of the astronaut to the surface of the moon.
Added “Language change does not indicate a change of crew task.”
The website audits come in the middle of a wave of companies and government organizations eliminated by dei programs and censoring of the languages that seem to celebrate diversity. Trump called such programs historical directing inequality in employment, as “discrimination”.
NASA, which is an US government agency, was reportedly referred to to close offices related to Dei and accessibility at the end of January, reports
The Artemis program is named after the sister of Apollo, the Greek god who named the first lunar mission.
A total of 24 people were on the moon, all white, American men, 12 of whom were walking on the surface. No one has embarked on the surface of the lunar since 1972, when NASA astronaut Eugene Cernan ended the final Apollo mission.
Nasa was initially planning to land on the moon with Artemide III by 2024, but this mission was postponed and is now expected not before 2026.
The crew for Artemis II, which would plan to orbit on the moon without landing next year, consists of NASA astronauts Reid Wiseman, Victor Glover and Christina Koch, as well as Canadian astronaut Jeremy Hansen.