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Mike Johnson uses the demo of his own word against them in a new campaign against decay

First on the fox: Speaker Mike Johnson, r-la. the exclusion of the Government before the end of this week.

The clip, which lasts just under two minutes, is superior to top democratic legislators who emphasize that their party does not support the closure of the Government or the closure of the office and the mass flushes that come with them.

“Democrats have long warned about the consequences of the Government closure,” the text on the screen begins.

The message immediately follows the former president of the House of Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif, citing a press conference: “We believe in management. We want to keep the Government open. The closure is very serious.”

Massie says “no” is to the extent of financing the Government supported by Trump

Mike Johnson’s speaker uses his own words of Democrats on exclusion against them in a new pressure campaign. (Getty Images)

“It’s not normal to keep the hostage of 800,000 wages of workers. It’s not normal to close the Government when we don’t get what we want,” says Alexandria Fathers-Cortez, Dn.y., on the house of the house in another clip.

The video ends with a white text on a black screen that reads, “What has changed? Now Democrats want to close the government to try to stop President Trump.”

“Democrats opposed the exclusion of the Government. But now they support them,” Johnson said in a written statement to Fox News Digital. “They are ready to do anything to prevent President Trump from spending their agenda.”

This is a distinct escalation in the war of the word between Democrats and Republicans over the president of the plan Donald Trump And GOP leaders are pushing to prevent partial exclusion.

The Draft Law on 99 pages announced by House GOP leaders over the weekend during the weekend would retain the financing of the Government by the end of the fiscal year (FY) 2025, September 30.

The proposal of the law is supported by President Donald Trump. (Rebecca Noble/Getty Images)

This would do this by extending the level of financing of the FY 2024 Government, which Republican leaders celebrated as a victory in that it is about the federal consumption level for another year, not expected increase that come with annual accounts for all year -old Congress.

The bill is expected, known as continuous resolution (CR), on Tuesday afternoon they will receive voting throughout the home.

Democrats have strongly condemned the law of the law after they did not receive certificates from the Republicans that they would include restrictions on Trump’s authority, especially associated with government consumption.

“The account for the Financing of the Republican Office of the Partisan House recklessly reduces health care, nutritional assistance and $ 23 billion in benefits of veteran,” said Hakem Jeffies’ minority minority leader, DN.Y., in a joint statement with other democratic leaders. “Equally problematic, legislation does nothing to protect social security, Medicare or Medicaid, at the same time exposing the American people to further pain during this fiscal year. We vote no.”

Trump supported plan to prevent votes to turn off in House

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House GOP guidance of assistants said over the weekend that the account included an additional $ 6 billion for veteran health care, and the Republicans withdrew to accusations that the proposal of the Law touched on Medicare and Medicaid – compulsory government programs that could not significantly reduce the Congress approval process.

But the passing of a law with small and no democratic support will be an exciting battle for Republican leaders. At least half a whim of Republicans have not been decided on or contrary to the account From Tuesday morning.

But GOP leaders were sure it would go through Monday. “We’ll plan to move it tomorrow,” the leader of most of Steve Scalise, R-La said on Monday night.

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