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Jeff Dunham says Trump victory has taken off some ‘weight’ from a comet ‘back

Comedy legend and ventrilokist Jeff Dunham He believes that comedians in America could sigh with relief after President Donald Trump was re -elected.

Veterans’ star, best known for her wise men on stage through the acting lineup of ventrilokvist dolls, told Fox News Digital to believe in Fox News Digital Trump choices There was a huge blow to the cancellation of the culture, which he says he held comedians to joke the jokes they used.

“But now with Trump to duty, only to me as a comedian, you simply felt that weight from the back … You feel like you can joke about the things we joked about now,” Dunham said.

Dunham, holding a Guinness World Record Most of the tickets sold For a stand-up comedy tour during his Tour “ISFRK of Insanity” (2007-2010), Fox News Digital admitted that he believed that in recent years he failed to joke or express opinions on certain topics due to an increase in cancellation culture.

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Legendary comedian Jeff Dunham says he is less concerned that he will speak his mind publicly after the re -election of President Trump. (Rick Kern / associate)

He said that the conversation about politics or promoting the ideas of “common sense” in the public arena “painful” with this dynamics, because sensitive groups seemed to punish or embarrass the prominent figures to say anything they considered to be politically inaccurate.

Dunham went so far that he said that the comedy- which he described as “one of the last forms of free speech”- in recent years is truly suffocated, all the way to Trump’s victory.

“And the fact that in the last few years it has been crowded, and almost really tucked-it has been clouded-it is so refreshing that at least you feel like it is okay to do the right stand-up comedy now.”

The comic stated that it is ideal to have a drawing of offensive material.

“For me, the comedian takes him to the line,” he said. “He knows his audience, your audience. Take it on the line and cross it just a little. So, I always believed that if I offended three to five percent of the room, it is a party where everyone else laughs the hardest.”

“And that’s why they are constantly coming back, because they hear things they can’t hear anywhere else,” he added.

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Comedian and ventrilokist Jeff Dunham speaks with Fox News Digital about the election of President Trump, breaking the Cancel culture on comedy. (Fox News Digital)

Duhham noted that people have been offended by his comedy over the years, with some accusing the ventriloquist doll key for his act of presenting racial stereotypes. On his doll list is Bubba J, a character that describes the comic book website as “proud of his heritage in Redneck.” The second is José Jalapeño on the wand, the pepper of Mexican heritage with mustache and sombre, and the most beautiful, Achmed, a dead terrorist, a doll that is originally shown by the master of the terror al-Qaede, Osama bin Laden.

The comic confessed that he always wanted these characters to be stereotypes.

“Well, when it comes to characters, you know, making a character reacts to what’s going on – as I said – it responds to what’s going on in society and what I think the audience is laughing at. And then it literally comes with topics and theme that people can connect. The same is that it might be left to.

“You have this old hateful old man, he’s a grimty old man,” he said, mentioning his doll named Walter. Performing Bubba J, he added, “You have this redness, you know? Borde’s White garbage. Yes, people understand it. And then they expect a certain type of material and a particular personality, which works for you. It’s just like a sitcom.”

Dunham is not afraid to make his dolls talk about politics on stage. For some shows, he remodeled Walter to make the impression of former President Joe Biden, and he had a blond wig and mocked President Trump. “Well, Walter dressed like Trump, then dressed like Biden with videos,” he said, calling a political humor “well -meaning party.”

The comic also talked about how really pushing the border with Achmed, which he said was his “answer to 9-11”. Dunham mentioned that he refused to play with the character, saying that at the time he decided, “I will not go to Hawaii or Juneau, Alaska or somewhere in California to try it out. I’m going where it counts. And I was reserved at a club called Bandy Comedy Club, six miles from Ground Zero.”

He said that when he introduced the character as Osama bin Laden at the New York club, “it was as if God had taken a vacuum and suffered all the air from the room.” However, he recalled that the moment he took out a ridiculously skeletal doll and now attracted the focus of the character of the character of the character, “Kill you!”, The show “couldn’t go better.”

“I mean, he couldn’t go better, and he just left from there,” he added, describing the debut of the doll that would become a stereotype of radical jihadists around the world.

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Jeff Dunham and one of his infamous characters, Achmed, The Dead Terrorist. (Nbc / associate)

The topic of the canceled and offensive material came to Dunham to speak freely about the political state of California, where he lives with his wife and children.

“I just feel that this beautiful country has politically ran into the ground,” he said. “And this is unhappy because it is one of the most beautiful countries in the country.”

Dunham, who moved to Los Angeles in the late 1980s to develop his comedy, he said that “the people who have was in power In the last few years, they have made terrible decisions and made a life funny here, and that could be a different way. ”

She does not want to be killed with a progressive crowd that California is so often associated with, noting that there is a vibrant conservative population that wants to bring the state back to “common sense”.

He said that it was considered among the Californians who, during the 2024 election, “waved their hand and said,” You know, I live here, and I will vote otherwise, and we have the opportunity to bring the state back to some feeling, “”

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He added that he did not move out of the state because he believed that “he could return to a particular sense of normality and reason.”

Dunham continued, noting that he would not open up to what was happening in his country until the last election. “Should I have spoken this honestly a year ago? Probably not, because it was still dangerous,” he said, adding to his claim that Trump’s comedians could return to pushing the borders with his humor.

Still, Dunham believes that people have learned at least a little from that period of excessive speech police.

“Did we learn something? Yes. You don’t want to make fun of groups, and there are certain topics and a line you don’t want to go. But I think it’s a little dismissed,” he said.

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