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Iran signals openness to limited nuclear conversations with us

Iran signaled that he was open to talking about his nuclear program with the United States if they were limited to military care, the day after it seemed that the Supreme Leader of the Land had rejected the overture from President Trump to keep discussions.

“If the goal of negotiations is to solve problems over any potential militarization of the Iranian nuclear program, such discussions could be subjected to consideration,” Iranian mission to the United Nations said in the post on social networks on Sunday.

It was unclear whether the comments represented a shift in politics after Ajatollah Ali Khamenei, the Iranian supreme leader who finally had authority in such questions, announced an angry statement after Mr. Trump’s offer last week to restart conversations.

On Saturday in a post on social networks, Mr. Khamenei rejected “Essential Governments” that seek to impose restrictions on Iran. The remarks did not directly relate to Mr. Trump or his offer. The president warned that Tehran would have to choose between suppressing his nuclear program or risk to lose him in a military attack.

Experts say Iran is on the threshold that it can enrich enough uranium for the production of nuclear weapons. The Islamic Republic says its nuclear program is for peaceful purposes.

The UN Iranian mission said that “negotiations will never happen” if their goal is to dismantle the Tehran “peaceful nuclear program”.

Supposedly conflicting remarks may reflect the cleft among Iranian officials about whether to re -enter the conversations after Mr. Trump, during his first term of the President, pulled the United States From the nuclear agreement, Tehran was hit by his predecessor, Barack Obama.

Some moderate and reformist Iranian leaders, including President Masoud Pezeshkiana, who was duty last year, said they wanted to start discussions. Mr. Khamenei, however, has the last word and said Iran cannot believe the United States.

Mr. Trump’s offer comes as The strategic environment for Iran has worsened significantly.

Israel seriously weakened Tehran regional attorney, Hezbollah and Hamas, and destroyed almost all air defense that protects the Iranian nuclear plants. In December, the rebel coalition overthrew former authoritarian ruler of Syria, Bashar Al-Assad, an ally of Teheran.

Some senior Israeli officials claimed that it would never be a better moment to hit the main Iranian nuclear plants.

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