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FDA is reminiscent of the joy of happiness dried flowers of lily for possible unknown sulfits

California company dried lily flowers They are withdrawn because they can contain uncomfortable sulfites, according to the US Food and Medication Administration.

They announced FDA and Hayward, American Trading Co. headquartered in California recall Mark Joy Luck Dried Lily Flowers on Tuesday, March 4th.

“People who have allergy or serious sensitivity to sulfite risk serious allergic reaction If they consume these products, “FDA said on his website.

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Remarked lily flowers are individually packed in a 2.5 ounce bags and distributed to traders across the country.

Sulphites are chemicals that are usually used as preservatives in Food and drinks to prevent them from corrupt, according to the Cleveland Clinic.

This bag of joy of 2.5 ounces of happiness dried Ljiljana was withdrawn. (Food and Drug Administration)

“They are often used to slow down brown and color changes (caused by bacteria growth) in food and drinks,” Cleveland said on its website.

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Sulphit “requires careful monitoring due to its potential effect on human health,” Sciencedrew states.

The recall was launched after the Agriculture Department and consumer services in Florida collected a sample of Ljiljan flowers and found that the sulphites were present in packaging that did not discover their presence, FDA said.

The sulphites were discovered in a sample of dried Ljiljan flowers collected by Florida Ministry of Agriculture and Consumer Services. (East)

“Customers with a sulphite allergy or sensitivity that bought the affected product are called not to consume the product and put it off or return it to their place of purchase for a complete return,” the FDA website said.

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The diseases have not been reported to date.

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Dried lily flowers are unopened flowers of daily plants and are the usual ingredient in Chinese cuisine.

Dried lily flowers are a common ingredient in Chinese cuisine. (East)

Fox News Digital addressed the American Trading Co. and the Ministry of Agriculture and Consumer Services in Florida seeking a comment.

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