DHS must examine Cuban regimes allies that are infiltrated into the US refugee system: legislator

EXCLUSIVE: Congressman who escaped in Cuba In the 1960s, DHS will send a list of people who are allegedly related to the communist regime that bypasses US Cuban refugee laws.
Tail. Carlos Gimenez, R-Fla., The Homeland Security Secretary will repeat Kristi Noem Letter, including the Cuban list residing in the United States according to various humanitarian laws or programs for which he and/or pro-co-democratic groups confirm in fact directly for the Communist regime in Havana, Fox News Digital learned.
Gimenez, which also represents the Congress district closest to Cubi, the countries of Miami-Dade and Monroe-will say to Noem on “the presence of agents of the killer regime of Castro and the Cuban Communist Party of Cuba currently residing in the United States.”
In a letter received by Fox News Digital, Gimenez continues that “it is necessary for the Ministry of Internal Security to impose existing US laws to identify, deport and repatiate these individuals who represent a direct threat to our national security, the integrity of our immigration system and the security of Cuban exile and American citizens.”
Cuban dictator Miguel Diaz-Canel on a campaign poster with the late Raul Castro. (Reuters)
Gimenez said that the Cuban Law on Adaptation-Law of 1966, written by Ambassador Jacob H. Gilbert, Dn.y., who set up how to deal with the unique situation of Cuban refugees from the then new Castro regime, others are designed to help those who are fleeing from communism.
Miamian-Koji is also the only member of the Congress born in Cubanci-he wrote about people “with direct connections with the Communist Party of Cuba and the repressive state security apparatus that” installed “the American immigration system and are a direct insult to true Cuban displaced persons seeking personal freedom.
Gimenez then included a list of about 100 people who were personally denied by non -profit organizations and a human rights storage group, asking Noem’s office to “thoroughly evening to” the list and start the deportation procedure if their malicious credentials are verified.
Of the name, several are marked as related to or members of the Brigade de Accion Rapida – or Brigade of a quick response. This group is made up of appointed citizens who are basically patrolled by Diaz-Canel and his regime’s dictator dissidents.
The others are listed as related to the Cuban Unic of young communists, high officers in the military court in the country, the Cuban State Department, the leadership of the Cuban Communist Party, the police forces and the equivalent of the Office of District Laws.
While Miami and surrounding areas still see their collective Cuban-American community grow and flourish-elaborate along the 8th street, the famous Calle Ocho of Little Havana – Gimenez said he wanted to work with DHS on identifying, veterinarian, detention and deporting everyone who lived as such “despised fraudsters in our country.”
“Like many in our community, I was forced from my birthplace of Cuba, shortly after the communist revolution, and it is absolutely humiliating as agents of the killer regime of Castro have reached our immigration laws to infiltrate our country,” Gimenez said.
Gimenez said Trump’s administration recently captured the Cuban spy in Florida and expects more actions against those that marked Cuban rights groups.
DHS refused to publicly share the name of a former intelligence officer but Miami Herald They reported that Ice and the FBI had arrested him at West Park in Florida – near Miami Dolphins stadium – for falsely getting a green card.
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The late Fidel Castro (Getty)
“I welcome President Trump and his administration because of that fast action,” Gimenez said.
Fox News Digital reached for DHS to comment on his entire attitude according to the Castro/Diaz-Canel regime and calls for cubic democratization.