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‘Carnivorous diet cured my lifelong eating disorder’

After suffering from lifelong eating disorder This almost killed her, a woman from Ohija says she was saved by a move to a carnivorous diet.

Valerie Smith, 54, has been struggling with multiple physical and mental conditions for decades, including anorexia.

At one point, Smith, who has 5’9 “, reduced it to 70 pounds and BMI since the age of 11. She was hospitalized and maintained herself by living pipe feeding several times, she told Fox News Digital.

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In 2017, after most of her life followed a strict diet based on the plant, she slowly began to switch to animal ketogenic dietwhich she deserves to heal her mind and body.

At one point, Smith (in the picture here), which was 5’9 “, reduced to 70 pounds and BMI of 11. She says she was saved by a move to a carnivorous diet. (Valerie Smith)

Before moving on to animal food, Smith tried countless other treatments for his anorexia and other disorders.

“I’ve been actively treated all my life,” she said during the interview. “I was seen by hospitals and doctors. I had over a dozen psychiatrists. I was on a cocktail of different Psychotic drugs Over three or four decades. “

“I spent my whole life under a traditional treatment and have never been better.”

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Hospitals have recommended a herbal diet “deprived of any animal protein,” Smith said. She got stuck with their meal plans, but struggled to maintain healthy weight and suffered digestive problems.

At the time when Smith was 47 years old, she returned to 70 pounds, endured fractures due to osteoporosis and had undergone several surgery for multiple organs prolapse. She mental health He was also low in time.

“I didn’t want to survive for another year,” she said. “I desperately needed to gain weight, but my mental illness prevented me from getting anything permanently.”

“I spent my whole life under a traditional treatment and have never been better.”

“And I also knew that even if I strive more, my brain would not help me, because I have experienced it many times in those decades.”

During the research, Smith discovered some metabolic psychiatrists and learned about the advantages ketogenic diet.

“I found out that animal food and animal fats were a priority in the brain,” she said.

Valerie Smith poses for photos after reaching a healthy weight on the ketogenic diet, after 35 years he does not consume any animal food. (Valerie Smith)

“There are more than 100 neurotransmitters in our brain, and most relies on the amino acid profile, which is in complete animal protein,” Smith continued. “Our brain will not function properly if we do not have the building blocks of animal products.”

After 35 years if she had not consumed any animal food, she decided to experiment with adding to her diet.

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Smith started slowly, with only one bite of meat a day. She added another bite every week. It took her eight weeks to eat 8 ounces of meat.

On a quarterly mark, she began to see improvements necessarily in her weight, but in her mental health.

“My depression and anxiety They rose, “Smith said.” At that moment, I didn’t get any weight yet, so I was not getting weight healing my brain – it was a ketogenic diet. “

As the months went by, Smith continued to look and feel healthier. After a year, she said, all the symptoms of anorexia disappeared. (Fox News)

As the months passed, Smith continued Looks and feels healthier. After a year, she said, all the symptoms of anorexia disappeared.

“Even my dysurphia was gone – and I had no urge to starve to starve,” she said. “All obsessive thoughts, negative self-administration, brain dysfunction is completely gone.”

“I didn’t fight myself anymore. It was effortless.”

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Today, Smith consumes between 2 and 3 pounds of meat every day – primarily red meat – as well as eggs. Occasionally he eats fish from chicken, pork and wildly invested.

Ever since he started his diet for animals, Smith has gained 50 pounds of muscle. In eight years, she said that she had not experienced any health questions that had tortured her for decades.

“For me it’s about healing – and I feel that ultimate healing For the body and mind it is with animal products in the diet. “

Support for doctors’ votes

Dr. Georgia Ede, a psychiatrist with a certificate at Harvard, specializing in food and metabolic psychiatry, often talked about her support from carnivorous nutrition.

“In my clinical work, I have discovered that a well -formulated carnivorous baby is very helpful in stubborn cases of overeating disorders, such as nutrition and food obsession,” she told Fox News Digital.

Ever since he started his diet for animals, Smith has gained 50 pounds of muscle. In eight years, she said that she had not experienced any health questions that had tortured her for decades. (Valerie Smith)

“Some patients have reported to relief from” food noise “and welcome satiety, often for the first time after years.”

The research suggested that the carnivorous diet could be “extremely useful” in the treatment of severe indirect anorexia, Ede said.

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“The meat contains all the nutrients we need, in their most pronounced forms, and without antinutrients and defensive toxins naturally found in herbal foods,” she continued.

“Medically controlled clinical trials are required to help us better understand potential risks and benefits carnivorous diet in anorexia management. “

The research suggested that the carnivorous diet could be “extremely useful” in the treatment of severe anorexia failure, one doctor said. (Valerie Smith)

Nick Norwitz, a student and researcher at Harvard, recently completed a case of a case of three people who prevailed eating disorders using ketogenic diet.

He also recently posted a video that revealed eight myths that surrounded the carnivore diet. (Watch the video at the top of this article and more videos at

There is no “one size fits all” nutritional solutions, Norwitz said, adding that “the context and shade are key”.

“However, I feel that the carnivorous diet is misunderstood, and that red meat and animal -based food Often, they are unjustly pierced and thrown under the “Big Food bus”, he told Fox News Digital.

Experts call for caution, more research

Margot Rittenhouse, a licensed professional clinical advisor with Alsan, California, said it was “absolutely critical” that any diet or modalities used to treat eating disorders support “extensive and consistent research”.

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“Although some research shows that Ketogen carnivorous diet could be useful in treating anorexia of nervousness, there is no overcoming evidence to indicate that this can currently be used as a sustainable treatment option,” she told Fox News Digital.

“There are few evidence to support that everything can be received vitamins and nutrients Required to maintain the body with ketogenic diet, “which aims to remove most or all plant foods and carbohydrates, says rittenhouse.

Experts agree that those who suffer from a messy diet should not try to treat the situation without professional help. (East)

Tanya Freirich, a registered dietitian in Charlotte in North Carolina, who deals as a lupus dietitian, said she did not recommend the carnival nutrition as a means of treating an unregulated diet.

“Nuts, seeds, legumes, cereals, fruits and vegetables are an important part of a balanced diet and provide many important nutrients,” Freirich told Fox News Digital. “For optimal healthYou also need a wide selection of vitamins and minerals found in other food groups as well as fibers and carbohydrates. “

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“Diet in general, but especially with such a restrictive diet such as carnivorous diet is a factor that increases the risk of developing messy dishes“She added.

Rittenhouse also warned of adopting any type of restrictive diet, which was shown to create “harmful relationships to food”.

“Some patients have reported to relief from” food noise “and welcome satiety, often for the first time after years.” (East)

“Eating only animal proteins is not a complete diet in any way, as almost exclusively saturated fat and protein could be consumed,” she said in an interview with Fox News Digital.

Experts agree that those who suffer from a messy diet should not try to treat the situation without professional help.

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Rittenhouse recommends asking for support from a multidisciplinary team These include a dietitian who is informed about nutrition, therapist, psychiatrist and doctor.

“These mental diseases are complex, bio-psychosocial disorders and cannot be treated by only one provider or discipline,” she said.

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