
Behind the whistle: former Premier League Judge Chris Foy explains the latest decisions about EFL Football news

Behind the whistle, former Premier League Judge Chris Foy is through the selection of key decisions on the match from the latest action at Sky Bet Championship, League One and League two.

Behind the whistle, he aims to provide supporters of the EFL clubs insight into considering decisions, and also clarify certain calls to provide an understanding of how the laws of the game are interpreted.

As part of a regular feature on Sky Sports after the end of the day of the match, Foy will be here to guide you through some supine things in EFL …

Sheffield Wednesday 1-2 Sunderland

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Should Eliezer Mayen’s goal be banned for handball in the Sunderland 2-1 victory over Sheffield on Wednesday?

Incident: Naked reached, possible handball (Sunderland)

Decision: Awarded a goal (Sunderland)

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Connor Wickham and Clinton Morrison were confused that Sunderland’s starting goal in Sheffield was allowed to stand after the Stonewall handball on Wednesday

Foy says: “Unfortunately, the referee does not recognize that the ball hit the Sunderland’s hand #12 before scoring a goal.

“It is evident from the replay that, as the ball is covered with the tip, it hits the left hand of Sunderland forward. Although the random handball is, the same striker immediately scores, which means that the goal must be disabled.

“The correct outcome here would be to assign a defensive free kick.”

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Prominent conflict of championship in Sky Bet between Sheffield on Wednesday and Sunderland

Birmingham City 1-0 Wycombe Wandirers

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Was it right to send Xavier Simons in the Birmingham 1-0 victory over Wycombe?

Incident: Possible red map, serious game (Wycombe Wanderers)

Decision: Assigned red card (Wycombe Wanderers)

Foy says: “In my opinion, the referee gets this absolute place. While Wycombe Wanderers player is speeding, obviously misses the ball and catching his opponent.

“The judge would be easy to easily show a yellow card for the cynical nature of the accessories, however, he correctly identifies that such a match is encountered with a threshold for a serious game.

“The challenge has high speed and intensity, so it is a good decision to show a red card because it threatens the safety of the opponent.”

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Looks like Sky Bet League One Match between Birmingham and Wycombeb

Peterborough United 3-1 Shrewsbury Town

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Was that okay with John Marquis in Peterborough’s 3-1 victory over Shrewsbury?

Incident: Possible red card, violent behavior (town of Shrewsbury)

Decision: Red card, violent behavior (the town of Shrewsbury)

Foy says: “As the ball is playing long since the beginning, Shrewsbury’s No. 27 raises his hand into his opponent’s neck, who falls to the ground.

“We can see from the corner of the closeness that the hand is raised and it seems that it is forceful to attract the opponent. The judge does not show the hesitation of the red card draw, which is ultimately the correct decision.”

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Looks like a prominent Sky Beth League One match between Peterboroug and Shrewsbury

Cheltenham Town 1-1 Grimsby Town

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Is it okay to assign Cheltenham punishment for handball, in their draw 1-1 with Grimsby?

Incident: Possible punishment, handball (city of Cheltenham)

Decision: Assigned to a penalty (the city of Cheltenham)

Foy says: “If you would make a forensic analysis of this incident, it would be clear to everyone that this is an obvious punishment for handball, but I actually think it is a great place for a judge in a crowded area.

“While the ball is played in the box, No. 5 Grimsby Town raised his hand significantly above his head and establishes contact with the ball. Since the hand is in an unnatural and unjustified position, he cannot have complaints on the video award.

“For me, the referee deserves praise here because Cheltenham Town player goes to the head of the ball, right in front of the handball position. With many players in the area and a potentially obstructed view, he remains calm and indicates the place.”

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Distinguished matches Sky Beth League two matches between Cheltenham Town and Grimsby Town

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