
Apple runs a legal challenge in the UK “Rear Gate” order

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Apple enhances his struggle with the British government because of the request to create a “rear door” in his most safest cloud storage systems, withdrawing a legal complaint that he hopes to cancel the order.

The iPhone manufacturer has appealed to the Tribunal for research powers, an independent judicial body that examines complaints about the UK security services, according to people who are familiar with this issue.

It is believed that the legal challenge of the Silicon Valley company is the first time that the court tested in the Court of Investigation Act for 2016, which allowed to break encryption. The Tribunal for Research powers will consider whether the UK notice is lawful to Apple and, if not, may order to be abolished.

The case can be heard this month, although it is not clear whether there will be public detection of the discussion. The government is likely to claim that the case should be limited on the basis of national security.

Apple received a “technical ability notification” under the law in January. The order, which the company was prevented in public debate was aiming for an optional additional encryption layer that protects its iCloud system, advanced data protection.

Apple is working to delay the British threat from a notice of technical capabilities since he introduced the ICloud ADP in December 2022.

The iPhone manufacturer has launched his legal appeal, which attracted the order last month at about the same time when he withdrew his safest internet security service from the UK instead of being in accordance with TCN.

Despite the Apple withdrawing the service, the British government still believes that a large technological company is not aligned with its order, which can also be used to access individuals outside the UK.

The move in the UK brought condemnation From US President Donald Trump and his newly named Chief of Intelligence, which puts pressure on the British government to withdraw.

Trump compared a request in the UK with Chinese surveillance, while Tulsi Gabbard, US Director of the National Intelligence, said that the eavesdropping of the Americans would be a “awful violation” of privacy that risked a violation of the two countries’ data agreements.

The British government believes that punching through the shield of the system encryption, including the exchange of messages and auxiliary copy, is vital to the public protection from terrorist threats and investigation of sexual abuse of children.

For years, officials in the UK, USA -UI Europe pressed technological companies, including Apple and Meta, which have Facebook and WhatsApp, to find ways around their encryption systems.

However, many cyber security Experts claim that wider use of encryption is needed to protect users from fraud, identity theft and other internet attacks, which have increased dramatically in recent years.

A spokesman for the registry office said: “We do not comment on operational things, including, for example, confirmation or denying the existence of any such notice. But beyond, the UK has a long -standing position of protecting our citizens against the worst crimes, such as abuse of child and terrorism, at the same time as protecting people’s privacy.”

Asked about the case in the House of Municipality last month, the Minister of Security in the UK Jarvis said: “The proposal that privacy and security do not agree are not accurate; we can and must have both. The Law on Investigation Authority contains strong protective measures and independent supervision to protect privacy and ensure that data are obtained only on exceptional basis, only when it is necessary.”

Apple refused to comment on any legal appeal but pointed to his statement Last month, when he announced that he could “no longer offer” ICloud ADP in the UK: “As we said many times, we have never built a rear door or the main key to any of our products or services, and we will never.”

The rear door request for user data would provide the Law and Security Implementation Services and the order that the judge approved-to-touched the iPhone backup and other cloud information that is otherwise inaccessible, even Apple itself.

Doubts are brought to the efficiency of the TCN system within the wider British security community.

A former Senior Security Officer said that the system “is not well tested and probably impossible,” adding, “You will not get a secret issuing command. If they impose an order by Apple’s size company, it will leak.”

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