Women are looking for plastic surgery to look less, more natural

These days the greater is not always better when it comes to cosmetic surgery.
The so -called “Kardashian” appearance, which once popularized Brazilian butt, raises, breastfeeding breasts and lip filling, is no longer a hot trend, some experts say.
Plastic surgeons agree to see more patients going to their appearance, deciding to reduce breasts and dissolve faces filler.
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Plastic surgeon, certified for the Committee, Dr. Stafford Broumand, from 740 plastic surgery in New York, confirmed that his patients seek “more natural results than exaggerated”.
Patients are looking for “more conservative aesthetics”, for one plastic surgeon he told Fox News Digital. (East)
“Patients are looking for more natural and tiny curves, less breast implants and fat vaccinations to round the buttocks, not need to increase their buttocks,” he shared with Fox News Digital. “Patients want symmetry in their body and face, and soft, full of lips – Youthful look. “
The surgeon added that younger patients were more likely to inquire about raising their faces, and more patients seek natural contours and removal Excess skin.
“” Too big “or false appearance has failed.”
Dr. Babak Azizzadeh, Beverly Hills Plastic Surgeon and the co-founder of Persane-Internetic Concierge who connects people with aesthetic doctors-said that the biggest trend he sees is people who dissolve the fillers.
“We see this with the fillers injected in the wrong place or with too many products,” he told Fox News Digital.
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“Unlike Botox, which breaks down in three to four months, we learned from recent literature and study that filler last much longer, potential years, when patients had previously entered more filled every six to 12 months.”
Azizzadeh added that patients seek “more conservative aesthetics”.
Doctors have noticed a “significant increase” of breast reduction and breast lifting with or without small implants. (East)
“While patients are still using fillers – and when they do properly, they can be fantastic – we see patients seeking more fat vaccinations and surgical lip elevators to achieve their natural aesthetic goals,” he noticed.
Dr. Lyle Leipziger, head of plastic surgery at the North Shore University Hospital and Lij Medical Center in New York, shared that patients are looking for more “athletic” in their practice, ” Physical fit look.”
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Leipziger also confirmed that there was a “significant increase” of breast and breast reduction with or without small implants.
“Patients are now looking for face lifting, breast lifting and body contouring procedures in much greater numbers,” he said.
The impact of weight loss drugs
Growing popularity Medicaoobfns weight loss Like the ground for the treatment of diabetes and obesity, “terribly” influenced the trends of plastic surgery, according to Azizzadeh.
When people experience significant weight loss, it changes the volume in their faces, creating more lightness, said the surgeon.
“Second, it directly affects fat cells. As a result, we see more facial lifting, door elevators, fat vaccination, and we also see this in younger patients than before.”
Broumand agreed that the trend of semaglutides (an active ingredient in many weight loss medicines) influenced the process of plastic surgery.
“Patients who want to follow a certain trend of body can complain later, after stopping it.”
“Before Orempic, we would remove the fat and contour the patient’s form,” Fox News Digital told Fox News. “WITH Weight loss drugsWe still have to contour, but we may need to add volume and remove extra skin. “
Leipziger agreed that Orempic and other semaglutides “significantly encouraged the procedures of plastic surgery as well as injections.”
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“People who undergo fast weight loss are often happy when they get on the ladder and buy smaller clothes,” he said. “However … they can discover that their face and body seem to be old and too early.”
This led to an increase in the requirement for lift the face and the body contouring procedures, the doctor states.
“People who undergo fast weight loss are often happy when they find themselves on the ladder and buy smaller clothes,” said one doctor. “However … they can discover that their face and body seem to be old and too early.” (East)
“It is very important to talk to any patient who comes after losing weight whether she will be able to maintain his new weight before performing face or body contouring procedures,” he advised, noting that this is especially important for those who have quickly lost weight.
‘Subtle improvements’
The social media has drawn attention to the potential complications of plastic surgery, such as the phenomenon of a “face pillow”, which can happen when the face seems swollen after too much filler.
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“I think a lot of patients learned that going to reputable plastic surgeons and qualified injectors certified on the board makes a big difference in outcomes,” Broomand commented.
The plastic surgeon added that he was “always a believer” to do what is right for his patients instead of following trends.
“It is very important to talk to any patient who comes after losing weight whether she will be able to maintain his new weight before performing face or body contouring procedures,” said one doctor. (East)
“Trends should be for clothes,” he said. “Patients who want to follow a certain trend of body can complain later, after stopping it and do not have the ability to turn surgery.”
Azizzadeh also encouraged the future plastic surgery Records to choose the right doctor, because the same procedure may have a “broad different results”, depending on the abilities of doctors, experience, skills and “artistic view”.
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“Generally, the trend of all procedures is natural results,” said the surgeon. “Too big” or false appearance has failed, and celebrities and influencers are committed to a clean face without a clean face. ”
“While people now get more plastic surgery than ever, the focus switched to subtle improvements that look effortlessly and natural.”