
Verses a piece of macro dungeon guide

Exploration of macro dungeons in A piece of verse Includes the fulfillment of the unlocking and defeat of all enemies found inside. These levels are designed to be challenging to players of all levels and eventually provide an exclusive reward if they succeed. Robloxians can get special weapons, accessories, materials and more, making them worthy expedition.

Here’s all you need to know about macro dungeons and what I can offer.

Macro dungeon examination in verse

Dungeon list (picture via Roblox)

Macro dungeons in verses are especially designed areas that can be unlocked by spending a unique resource called Dungeon tickets, with Jewel. The cost of entry varies from one dungeon to the other; The more stricter the unlocking request is, the better the awards are related. Tickets to Dungeon can be purchased from NPC to The island on the beach use Mythical objects.

Once you fill the unlock state, unlock the desired dungeon interaction with Spawn Dungeon NPC on Run Island. This opens the portal that takes you directly to the level, where you can start going through the enemies on the map. If you want to increase difficulty, you can switch Stubborn Mode button in the upper right corner of the screen.

Estege winningly adding awards specific to the stage to your inventory and continue exploring different dungeons and islands of the game.

Also read: All official connections for the lyrics

All macro dungeons and how to unlock them

Official Cover Arts for Play (Picture by Roblox)

Macro dungeons come in two varieties: Limited and Constant.

Limited dungeons are only available for the duration of the duration, after they expire, and the associated prizes become inaccessible. This makes them a goal of high priority. We recommend that you start them before trying their permanent colleagues so that they do not lose their reward.

Permanent dungeons, on the other hand, can be explored in their spare time. Because they don’t point out, you can take the time with them and try them when you are ready.

Regardless of the type of dungeon you choose, you will receive rewards specific to the level, along with Dungeon medals After cleaning them. These medals can then be replaced for goodies in the associated store nearby, which allows you to access additional materials and accessories.

The table below cites all the macro dungeons in the game and the unique prizes they offer after we win them:

Prison Prison Unlock the cost Possible drops
The head of the rush Constant 2,500 gems
1x dungeon ticket
Dungeon medals
Money and xp
The broken boss Rush Constant 10,000 gems
10x dungeons tickets
Dungeon medals
Money and xp
Endless dungeon Constant 5,000 gems
3x dungeon tickets
Yoriichi sword (a reward on the board)
Limbus Company Limited 5,000 gems
3x dungeon tickets
Butterflies of death
Prison Limited 5,000 gems
3x dungeon tickets
The core of the mucus
Ore to distract
The monarch in the shadow Limited 5,000 gems
3x dungeon tickets
Basak dagger
Knight dagger
Game’s helmet
The castle in the shadow Constant 2,500 gems
1x dungeon ticket
Cid -ov sword
Shadow fragment
Cid’s eyes

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Frequent questions

How to unlock macro dungeons in verses

Macro dungeons can be unlocked using a dungeon of tickets and gems.

How to access macro dungeons in verses

Macro dungeons can be accessed by interaction with the SPAV Dungeon NPC on the island of Beach.

What prizes are the macro dungeons in the verses?

After cleaning the dungeon, you will receive a medalist awards for reward and dungeons.