Returning home to Tal Rifaat, Syrians find ruins and ruins | Syrian war news
The streets were breaking through the ruins and piles of ruins in which their homes once stood.
This is what the residents are facing after returning to their Tal Rifaat in northern Syria, which is a key battlefield in the conflict of Syrian Kurdish fighters and Turkish armed groups.
During the Syrian war, the Tal Rifaat became part of the repeated cycles of struggle and displacement that took place since anti -reasons in the country broke out in the country.
The Syrian Kurdish forces took control of the City in 2016, moving most of their population. In other places, such as the city of Afrin, the inhabitants of Kurd were displaced after the forces supported Turkey took control and many fled to Tal Rifaat.
In December last year, during the lightning of opposition fighters who led to the removal of President Bashar Al-Assad, the tables were re-turned as the forces supported by Tal Rifaat from Syrian democratic forces led by Kurdska or SDF.
Signs of urgent departures are visible everywhere – abandoned things, scattered debris and improvised barricades rapidly dismantled.
Still, the people of Tal Rifaata say they are busy cleaning the ruins and restoring life on the right path.