Positive people came through Covid better than others: a new study

New research has confirmed the conclusion of the common sense-some important moves.
People with more A positive view of life They went through the pandemia of the covine better than others did, scientists revealed. Not only that, adults with a high level of “playfulness” showed stronger resistance during locking compared to more serious individuals.
These people have excellently managed to “limon”, creatively imagining and following positively, according to the study just published in Frontiers in Psychology.
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Study Leader Xiangyou “Sharon” Shen of Oregon State University (SUM) said the findings are important because the playfulness is underrated resource for the construction of resistance and maintenance of well -being during difficult periods such as pandemicas the SWWS news agency reported the research.
Shen emphasized that this is characteristic that people can develop.
Playfulness is an underrated resource for the construction of resistance and maintenance of well-being during difficult periods, such as COID pandemia, says a new study. (East)
Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Forestry and Director of Laboratory for Health, Environment and Leisure Research (Heal), Shen stress and uncertainty. “
She added that “this is particularly relevant because we are facing an increase in global challenges that require a realistic assessment and creative adjustment,” as SWWS noted.
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Chronic stress, she said, is “significant” care for public health.
Is associated with a series of health problems, from heart disease and diabetes to depression and anxiety.
“They actively changed challenging situations.”
Dr. Marc SiegelSenior medical analyst Fox News Clinical Professor of Medicine at the Nyu Langon Medical Center, shared insights into the studio (not involved in research).
“Playfulness and humor, plus the expressions of love and happiness, it turned out to increase oxytocin in the brain, a happy hormone that It lowers blood pressureIt lowers stress levels and improves overall health, “Siegel said.
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“Humor, love and other positive emotions go through the deep centers of the brain (before the frontal cortex/amygdala), which also contain fear, anxiety and care,” he said. “So it is impossible to feel positive and negative emotions at the same time – and the former emotions are much healthier.”
Siegel said we could learn a lesson than those who were more inventive during the pandemic.
People who are more playful “manage to bring in the quality and enjoyment of everyday activities,” said the researchers of the new study. (East)
“Although it has been shown that remote learning and reduced socialization, together with increased social media and mobile use, has led to an increase in anxiety, depression and abuse of substances during pandemic and immediately after, at the same time, at the same time, at the same time, at the same time, at the same time, at the same time, at the same time, The families they used this time To encourage playing and creative solutions, they can apply this forward for better health results, “he said.
Shen of Oregon State University, along with Zoe Crawley’s researcher from the Heal Laboratory, has stopped studying more than 500 adults in the USA two separate groups.
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They divided participants into two groups – those with a higher level of playfulness, measured by the scale of the traits of the playfulness of adults and those with a lower level of the same quality.
They found “ways to create moments of joy even in difficult circumstances.”
Those who were more playful, shen said, “shared similar perceptions of risk and protective factors as their less playful peers, but showed greater optimism when they predicted future options, included in more creative solving problems and managed to push quality and enjoyment Daily activities. “
“Playfulness does not distort reality – it improves,” notes a new study. (East)
She added: “They actively changed challenging situations, found creative substitutes for what was lost, they viewed obstacles as opportunities … and retained a strong sense of control over their answers.”
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She was discovered, she said that although “very playful” people did not necessarily perform different activities or make them more often than less playful people, they experienced activities with higher quality – greater immersion, activity and positive impact.
“That basically creates lemon lemon,” shen said, “and this is closely related to resistance.”
Even spending only 5 to 10 minutes a day on a “little dose of game” can make a “significant difference”, the researchers said. (East)
Shen emphasized that more positive and playful people are “equally realistic about the covid-19 risks and challenges as others but they stood out in” lemonade “.
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They discovered “ways of making moments of joy even in difficult circumstances.”
Said Shen, “playfulness does not distort reality – it improves.”
She said that regular spending time to play can be “instrumental”.
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It provides a safe space for expressing and practicing playfulness, she indicated.
Even spending only 5 to 10 minutes a day on a “little dose of game” can make a “significant difference,” the researcher said.