News changes a tone on Trump from a campaign rhetoric with federal fire recovery funds on a stake

Government Gavin News from California has long been a leading opponent and target, President Donald Trump.
But the governor of the most populous country in the country, one of the leaders of the Democratic Party in resistance against the other Trump administration and potential candidate for the White House in 2028, leaves politics aside while feverishly works to ensure greater federal aids for people and companies for people and companies devastated last year deadly fires in Metropolitan Los Angeles.
“Thank you, President Trump, for coming to our communities to see this firsthand and meet with me today to continue our common efforts to support the people who are affected,” ” Newssa said In a statement on Wednesday night after hanging out with the President at the White House.
In a video posted on Social Medial, the governor said: “So here in the White House. He just finished a meeting with President Trump. He had a very successful day at Capitol Hill, meeting in a two -sided way with a Republican and Democratic leaders about disaster assistance and recovery from the disaster for people affected by the South California fires. “
Frenenes: Newsu comes to a hat in hand to meet Trump in the White House
He described his News meetings with Trump and members of the Congress as “Spirit of Cooperation and Cooperation … defined”.
The Governor’s journey was first in Washington, DC, since Trump took power in the White House and is part of his effort to provide additional fundamentals to help recovery a fire from destructive blouses This was killed by 29 people, destroyed over 12,000 homes and forced tens of thousands to evacuate themselves.
At the end of last month, the governor approved $ 2.5 billion to work on a fire recovery, which he hopes to compensate for the Federal Government.
And the state will probably need a lot more help of the Federal Government, as the bill is expected to cover the renovation costs to reach ten billion dollars.
After the fire in Pacific Palisades and the Pacific Ocean highway, January 10, 2025 in Los Angeles. (David Hume Kennerly/Getty Images)
News, after a meeting with Trump and his crossing Capitol hill, he stressed that “we still cut bureaucracy to accelerate efforts on recovery and cleaning, as well as ensure that the efforts to renovate fast. We work over the pass , to ensure survivors to have the resources and support they need. “
The relationships between Newsom and Trump were not always so harmonious.
Their animation dates before Trump was first elected president in 2016, when News was a California lieutenant.
News calls Trump’s claims “pure fiction” after pointing his finger at the Californian fire tragedy
And while they were sometimes sought by the common ground during Trump’s first term in the White House, a verbal fireworks continued in the last two years because the News was a top -notch surrogate on the trace of the campaign for former President Joe Biden and former Vice -President Kamal Harris, who replaced Biden last summer as Democrats 2024.
He regularly criticized Trump News, and the former and future president has quite returned the service, treating News and strongly Blue California as a political breakthrough bag.
After Trump’s convincing victory for the choice over Harris in November, he moved News to “Trump’s” his strong blue state.
“He uses the term” Trump-Otporan “as a way to stop all the great things that can be done to make California a big one again,” but I just predominantly won the election, “Trump replied.
But the News followed, and earlier this week, California legislators approved $ 25 million of legal financing that the Democratic governor suggested to challenge Trump administration actions. And the legislative government also awarded another $ 25 million for legal groups for defense of unfathomable immigrants who are facing a possible deportation of the new efforts of Trump administration.
President Donald Trump and California Government Gavin News are walking to talk to reporters after the president arrived at the Los Angeles International Airport in Los Angeles on January 24, 2025. (Mark Schiefelbein/AP)
After the fire broke out early last month, Trump has repeatedly criticized Newsom’s crisis treatment. He accused the governor of poor forestry and water policy management and, pointing to an intense return for a noticeable lack of preparation, he urged News to deviate.
“Gavin Newscum should resign. This is all that is guilty !!!” Trump accused of social media on January 8, a repeating derogatory name that often signifies the governor.
Trump is also guilty of deadly fires of Mayor Los Angeles Karen Bass, another Democrat, and politics approved by state legislators. In the executive command published last month, he described the management of the land and water resources of the state as “catastrophic”.
He pushed the news back. Declating Trump, the governor noted that the tanks in the southern part of California were full when the fires first came out, and he claimed that no amount of water could solve fires that encouraged the winds up to 100 miles per hour.
News also claimed that Trump was spreading “the winds of hurricane because of the wrong and misinformation.”
But when Trump arrived at Los Angeles at the end of last month to review the first damage – just four days after his inauguration as president – Governor greeted him at the airport.
“First thank you for being here. That means a lot to all of us,” he told News Trump as he greeted the president after his arrival in Los Angeles last month. “We will need your support. We will need your help.”
The president stated that “we want to finish something. And the way you complete it is to work together.”
On the eve of stopping in Los Angeles, Trump threatened to maintain their game help until a certain provision, including changes in water policy in California and demanding that the voice id.
President Donald Trump spoke with California Government Gavin News after he arrived at the Air Force at the Los Angeles International Airport in Los Angeles on January 24, 2025. (Mark Schiefelbein/AP)
“It was not discussed and I hope we can go to it,” he told News on Thursday when he asked in an interview with CNN -Ao any states for federal assistance that Trump may have demanded.
“Some of the conditions that they had seduced about were just a little noise.
He also stepped down News in recent weeks, pushing back against Trump’s Zingers.
After Trump’s commands, the US military corpus of the engineer opened two dams in central California last week, releasing approximately 2.2 billion liters of water flow from the tank.
Trump celebrated the move in posts about the truth of social Friday and Sunday, declaring: “Water flows in California,” and the addition that the water was “headed to farmers across the state and in Los Angeles”.
However, water experts claimed that New Liberation Water would not flow to Los Angeles, and is spent by release during the normal wet winter season of California.
News, obviously with the aim of renovating his employment he had with Trump during the president’s first term in the White House, did not raise any objections to the release on the water.
“For News, it’s not just the last catastrophe, it’s the following. Because when you are California’s governor, you know that in a not -so -distant future there will be more fires, floods or earthquakes, and it will need help from helping it emphasized the Federal Government, “Jack Pitney, a political scientist based in California at Claremont McKenna College.
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Pitney claimed to “whatever [Newsom] He thinks about Trump, he needs the president’s help. “
But looking in advance, he noted that he was “named in two years. So, when he is no longer a governor, he can be as partisan and anti-trump as he wants. But for now, it must be on hold.”