New York DEM advocates to replace Stefanik’s border patrol trash, corrections

Democratic candidate to run to replace the outgoing Republican Repl. Elise Stefanik In Upstate New York, one can hear in an interview that condemns US border patrol for arresting illegal immigrants and belittling repair officers out of duty and local American workers who hired to work on his milk farm.
Blake Gendebien, owner and president of Twin Mill Farms in Lisbon in New York, since 2002, was awarded on Tuesday to run for possible special elections in the 21st Congress District in New York.
The headquarters of the American House will leave Stefanik, candidate President Donald Trump to become an American ambassador to the United Nations, but the powerful Republican of the house is still awaiting voting on the confirmation of the Senate. Since a special election time line hung in balance, 15 democratic chairwoman NY-21 announced its unanimous support to Gendebien, advocating him as a “authentic voice that would fight for reasonable solutions.”
Democrats are categorized by Gendebien, who is also Vice President of the Agri-Mark Milk Cooperative covered by New York and New England, as a husband, father, owner of a small company and a former member of the School Board who will fight for lower expenses and Secure our boundaries. “ Celebrating him as “an outsider in the political arena”, they said that Gendebien “embodies the voice and crumb that distinguishes this district.”
Blake Gendebien is the upper farmer of the New York dairy who has run for Congress. (Blake Gendebien for Congress)
The Republican state leadership, however, quickly condemned Gendebien as a “extreme left -wing Democrat”, claiming that the candidate “not only supports the policies of the open border of Joe Biden, but also expelled the illegals out of the ice.”
The New York Gop Chairman Ed Cox mentioned last comments from farmers of dairy farmers in more than an hour interview with local journalists on March 13, 2014.
According to the recorded sound inspected by Fox News Digital, Gendebien expressed frustrations about the labor market in UPSTATE New York. Among his comments, he claimed that local repair officers “have not many self-values”, and described workers in the northern county as “practical independence and ability to think”, as opposed to his Foreign workers of agricultural holdings.
“Democrat on the far left of Blake Gendebien even castes diligent workers in the northern country as” awful “people who drank too much,” Cox said in a statement. “This radical ultimate left Democrat is a longtime main donor and a group of leftists, a weapon collection, a taxin Tedra Cobb, a supporter of Kathy Hochul, Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, and a public advocate of Biden’s inflation policies, devised by NY21 families. his catastrophic Republican.
In an interview in 2014, Gendebien is heard explaining why he loved “Latin American labor” much more, generalizing locals as a drinking problems and participating in disputes about child care.
“If it wasn’t for Latin American work, I wouldn’t have done it,” Gendebien said, describing the process for the masculine cows. “So there are three Latin American employees. They should be replaced by probably six local people. And it’s hard to find one person who has no problem with abuse in the family, alcohol problems, salary decorations.”
“So, when you hire these local guys, you suddenly bombard you with things from a social program like you call it? I didn’t even – I’m not in that world, so I don’t know,” he continued. “So the court will call you. Does Brian show up at work? What does Brian do? She has a child with this girl. She has a child with this girl. She has a court date. She needs to appear on this day. So you have all these plans and These guys have to go to court all the time because they are in custody and, as it is called, the battles for maintaining children.
As for another farm aid, Gendebien said he hired a repair officer.
Tail. Elise Stefanik listens to Senator Tom Cotton to present her because she was supposed to witness before the Senate Committee on the Foreign Relations on her nomination to be an ambassador to the United Nations on January 21, 2025. (Kent Nishimura/Getty Images)
“You probably know that they do not have much confidence in their jobs as repairs officers, so they will work extra time and get maybe three, four weeks of rest. And on that vacation things will do things, water supply or electrician job or something, just so they feel some value, “Gendebien told a journalist. “So, we gave him all the real hunting rights. You can hunt all 800 hectares and he does a job for basically materials. But he also gets a certain value. He gets the right to hunt, and we get a guy we believe he will do and a lot of work And a good job.
At one point, Gendebien complained that the agent of border patrol had taken one of his workers, an illegal immigrant, in custody.
“Thus, the border patrol is up and down that route, “Gendebien transferred to the journalist, according to the audio archived Library of Congress.” As far as I know, these guys are illegal. I have all their paperwork and I am not obliged to check. Is not mandatory e-Verify. So I get the same paperwork from them as from anyone else. And we’re moving. But the border patrol will be profiled by the color of the skin, crossing the road and they will stop. And then they will examine and scream at the person. ”
After the border patrol faced one farmer and took him to custody, Gendebien said he had called a high school football coach, a 30-year-old border patrol agent, who told him the new border patrol agents sent to New York from a place like a place like Arizona want to do this more concerns, causing some friction within the leadership at their command.
Republican Conference President Elise Stefanik participates in the inauguration of Donald Trump in the US Rotund Capitol on January 20, 2025. (Kevin Lamarque – Pool/Getty Images)
Gendebien said the man said to him, “I do not take agricultural workers, but we get young men and women from Arizona who are Gung-ho, and all they want to do is pick up people. And he said when they bring someone inside, we have to support them. illegal person.
One Christmas Eve, Gendebien said, threw out an illegal immigrant for $ 10,000, so he had a farm help during the holidays.
While talking about his family came to live in northern county, Gendebien said his mother -in -law was the first generation Cuban immigrant who was the supervisor of the home building in New York, while his own parents worked at the Peace Corps in South America and expelled from Bolivia with other Americans “when she became a communist.” His parents bought a farm at UPSSTATE in New York, where Gendebien said they felt like outsiders at the time.
Because his family speaks Spanish, Gendebien said they had an advantage compared to other farmers who do not train foreign workers.
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“But I speak Spanish here, Carmen speaks Spanish, Mom speaks Spanish, Daddy speaks Spanish,” Gendebien said. “So we can explain the things to do. They are very capable. And incredibly capable of incredibly practical knowledge and capable. The thing that local children do not have here. They do not have practical independence and ability to think and knowledge like these guys.
Fox News Digital reached for a gendebien campaign, but they didn’t answer immediately.