House Republican introduces transgender MPs as “Mr. … Mr. McBride” for a floor speech

Tail. Mary Miller, r-Ill., She called herself for Rev. Sarah McBride, D-Del. – Who identifies himself as a transgender woman – as “Mr. McBride.”
“The chair recognizes the gentleman of Delaware, Mr. McBride, five minutes,” Miller said in Home Chamber Thursday.
“Thank you, Mrs. speaker,” McBride replied before he continued to give a speech.
While McBride did not respond to Miller’s comment, when Miller Next recognized the envoy of Nanette Barragán, D-California, to give a speech, Barragán began to say, “Thank you, Mr. Presidency.”
Left: US Ambassador Mary Miller hosts a Republican Party delegation at Illinois in Oak Creek, WISC., July 16, 2024; Right: Ambassador Sarah McBride on Human Right Campaign Great Dinner in New York held in New York Marriott Marquis 1. February 2025 in New York, NY (Left: E. Jason Wammbsgans/Chicago Tribune/Tribune News Service via Getty Images; Right: Nina Westervelt/Variety via Getty Images)
Fox News Digital addressed the McBride office to ask for a comment from MP on Friday – a spokesman pointed to McBride’s entire floor speech, which was presented in the post of @Rep_mcbride X.
“I gave my first speech on the floor of the house this morning,” Tvit begins on February 6th.
During the speech, Democrat stated“Piece per piece, department by department, Trump’s administration defends critical federal services, cleaning employees, consolidation of power and cutting programs to which Delaware relying on. They try to decimate the Federal Government and sell it to the pockets of the donor pockets at the detriment of work people .
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“They don’t want to make the Government more effective. They want to prove that the Government cannot work, making it not working,” McBride said.
Miller, a member of the Conservative House for Freedom, said in a post on the X that she “refused to deny the biological reality” on the floor of the Chamber.
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“President Trump returned the biological truth in the Federal Government and refuses to perpetuate the lie that the gender is open to our interpretation.” Republican added.