Google Maps, FAA officially acknowledges the Bay of America after Trump’s statement: “Isn’t it nice?”

The name changes from the “Mexican Bay” in “American Bay” started overturning to the USA Monday, just one month after President Donald Trump He announced his intention to Americanize the name.
On Monday, FAA sent a notification of a chart that confirmed that its systems were in the name update process, except for the update of the newly named Mount McKinley in Alaska, previously known as Denali.
“Keep in mind that FAA is in the update of our data and charts to show the name change from Gulf of Mexican In the American Bay and the name, they change from Denali to Mount McKinley. This will be aimed at the next publication cycle, “said the notice.
“This chart notice conducts directing President Trump in the 14172 executive order,” the return of a name that pay tribute to the American size, “” to change their names. “
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Google Maps began to refer to the Gulf of Mexican as an American Bay. (AP/Google Maps)
On January 7, Trump announced that the Gulf of Mexico would be a new name and signed an executive order that completed the decision a few weeks later.
“We will change the name of the Mexican Bay to the American Bay, which has a beautiful ring. It covers a lot of territories,” Trump said on Tuesday. “American Bay. What a beautiful name. And that is appropriate.”
The decision was well received by social media users on Monday, who began to notice Google Maps by implementing changes.
“Google Maps finally recognizes the American Bay!” One x the user wrote. “Isn’t it nice?”
“I hate Google, but TBH, mine says the US Bay zoom all the way,” another said. “And the boyfriend is glorious.”
Trump announces $ 20 billion in new data centers in address after certification
On the way to the Super Bowl Lix, President Trump signed a command that declared “Day of the Bay of America” on February 9th. (Daniel Tok/Chief Photographer of White House)
“Google Maps worships Trump,” wrote a different commentator.
Changes come even after Trump signed a proclamation on Sunday on February 9th “Day of the Bay of America.”
Trump flew over the water body on his way to the Super Bowl Lix in New Orleans when he signed a presidential order.
“Air Force One is currently in international waters, for the first time in history that has flying over the recently renamed US Bay,” wrote the White House in the X Post.
In the proclamation, Trump wrote that he had taken the action “in part because, as stated in that order,”[t]The area was previously known as the Gulf of Mexican, the integral means of our once -growing nation was long overdue and remained an indelible part of America. “”
President Donald Trump pumping his fist while walking in the Andrews Air Force in Maryland last week. (Roberto Schmidt/AFP via Getty Images)
Google has previously confirmed that he intended to update the name of the bay in accordance with the local authorities.
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“We received a few questions about naming within Google Maps”, Google he said in the x post. “We have a long -standing practice of applying a name change when they are updated in official government sources … Everyone in the rest of the world sees both names. This is applied here as well.”
Stepheny Price and Brooke Singman contributed to Fox News Digital.