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FBI looking for information on two Iranian Intel officer’s officers allegedly included in Robert Levinson’s abduction

Federal authorities have published a couple of posters to seek information for two Iranian intelligence officers charged with approval of the retired FBI’s abduction for 2007 Robert Levinson. Posters come as part of a decade of investigation by Levinson’s disappearance, FBI’s Washington Field Office said Tuesday,, Noticing their “dedication to resolving the case for their long -standing family.”

Ever since Levinson disappeared, the United States has kept the opinion that he is abducted during the unauthorized CIA Mission in Iran and the Iranian government was wrong. The former agent was thought to be alive as long as US officials say in 2020 that the intelligence service has suggested that he may have been dead “for a while.”

Posters include pictures of Mohammad Baseri and Ahmad Khazai, Iranian higher intelligence officials believed to be responsible for Levinson’s abduction, subsequent detention and likely death. Men are described as high officers in the Iranian Ministry of Intelligence and Security, the FBI states.

Levinson was not seen or heard from March 9, 2007, the day after the retired agent traveled to the Iranian island of Kish, according to the FBI. US officials say Levinson’s family has received video and photos of Levinson in anonymous E -Mailovi a few years later, 2010 and 2011, which showed him captivity. In the end, they posted the recordings and the picture publicly, but they could not follow the e -the sequence of their sender.

US Ministry of Finance sanctioned basins and khazai Under Trump’s administration in 2020, the country for the first time formally blamed Iran for Levinson’s disappearance. At that time, state secretary Mike Pompeo said in a statement that Iranian officials “approved Levinson’s abduction and detention and launched a disinformation campaign to reject the guilt for the regime.”

His statement identified Baseri and Khazai by name.

Ahmad Khazai (L) and Mohammad Baseri (R)

Washington FBI

The United States also accused Iran of sanctioning a scheme that resulted in Levinson’s abduction and claimed that his government knew the location of the missing agent and lied to it for almost 18 years.

Federal officials claim that Baseri was involved in opposition activities within and outside Iran, except for sensitive investigations related to Iranian national security, “directly cooperated with intelligence officials from other countries to harm US interests.” Khazai allegedly led Iranian intelligence and security delegations to other countries, the FBI said.

State Department offers a prize up to $ 20 million for information that leads to the recovery and return of Levinson, while the FBI has ordered the prize up to $ 5 million.

“The FBI remains unwavering in our commitment to return to Bob to our family,” said Sanjay Vimani, a special agent in charge of the anti -terrorist department in a statement at the Washington Fields Office. “Our extensive investigation continues to develop new potentials and intelligence, and we will follow all the possibilities for every Iranian official to be involved in his abduction.”

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