China threatens our farmers and food supply. States should stop them

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Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is on the mission to ensure an impact on every aspect of American life. Most of us are familiar with Chinese pressure to steal our intellectual property, we undermine our labor market and the brainwashing of our children on social media. But the area where China was probably most aggressive was his initiative to consolidate in relation to US agriculture.
This not so powerful download is partially encouraged by the great procurement of the land. Currently, CCP has about 349,442 acres of agricultural land – which is 82% more than the year before.
Growing Chinese take over American agricultural land is a crisis.
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Fortunately, conservative leaders have identified this dangerous trend in recent years and start pushing back, especially in the GOP states. While conservative legislators and governors across the country take measures to stop the opponent’s state to buy US agricultural land, we must admit that the question is a much wider issue here – the ultimate goal of China is not limited to land ownership.
The Chinese Communist Party buys a huge number of hectares of agricultural land, especially last year. File: agricultural field and chimney, Scotts Bluff National Monument; Scottsbluff, Nebraska. (Hawk Buckman/Design Pics Editorial/Universal Images Group via Getty Images)
CCP distributes new tactics that expand your economic Involve to US agricultural production, where Chinese companies aim to dominate the production of essential products of crops science.
The first step in preventing US food supply for CCP to further download it is the protection and support of our American agricultural manufacturers who decide to keep their business on US soil, create US jobs and contribute to local economies. The protection of US farmers and products they need to navigate America is the next step in resolving the long -term threats that China represents our food supply.
We cannot give our CCP food production process – or one of our best opponents will give an immense influence on one of our most important sectors of our economy. After witnessing that the CCP managed the Coid-19 pandemia, which began in one of the government laboratories, we know that the CCP cannot be believed to be transparent about what is added to our food.
Conservatives have been a lot of excitement about the agenda of Make American Healthy Healthy (Maha), who was spent by President Donald Trump after making him the central pillar of his 2024 campaign. If we do not take steps to suppress Chinese efforts to undermine food supply, we risk turning that good job.
The protection of American manufacturers is also key to Trump’s American first agent. And we need a US Congress under the control of the Republicans to help him in this fight. But Trump needs leaders in countries to continue to spend their American first agent. State leaders must join the fight to stop the CCP threat to protect US agriculture.
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Governors should establish the protection of US agricultural manufacturers to eliminate the impact of CCP on our food supply and ensure that we prevent the well-paid US jobs to get outsoursir.
New legislation in Georgia, Iowa and Missouri is designed to do so. The legislation, presented to determine protection for American agriculture producers, is the US first policy that other countries need to replicate. If this legislation that protects our farmers has not been adopted, we set the CCP to take over our food supply and create a serious threat to national security for ourselves.
We cannot give our CCP food production process – or one of our best opponents will give an immense influence on one of our most important sectors of our economy.
The victory of this fight, however, will not be easy. Court lawyers participate in all three countries in an aggressive lobbying campaign against these Anti-CCP Laws. These lawyers have been able to buy the so -called lawmakers of conservative states in each of these countries through significant contributions of the campaign.
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State legislators who actively work against these laws on behalf of the lawyer are turning the backs of those people who have sworn to protect and represent. Furthermore, those who refuse to support this protection for American workers and for our food decide to become the last of America and suppress Trump’s stubborn and American agent.
We need more than rhetoric; We need determined and proactive steps that have taken leaders in the countries to stop the CCP attack and a dangerous influence. Georgia, Iowa and Missouri are charged with legislation to protect US farmers and food supply now – they deserve our complete support.