Why do Democrats defend the violent, criminal illegal immigrants against Trump’s raids?

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Wisteguens Jean Quely Charles is a member of a violent hait street gang with 17 beliefs for his name, including multiple drugs, weapons and crimes of attacks and batteries. Ariel Rena Romica-Patio is a Mexican nationals hit by a 62-month prison sentence for sexual exploitation of a child. Cristofer Alexander Ramirez-Oliva is Honduran convicted of a third-degree sexual behavior with a minor.
These three dangerous people were in the country illegally He was eventually arrested by immigration and customs (Ice) as part of the target raids of President Trump on violent illegal immigrants. Still, democrats decipher raids, acting like these criminals are victims. Why?
Somehow, in a distorted world of progressive policy, the removal of predators from our communities is considered “controversial”. Arresting rapists of childrenGang members and drug traders became a gathering cry for democrats who insist that these deportations violate “human rights”. You would think that the protection of families that comply with the law-immigrants and citizens would be equally common sense. But not when the democrats get involved.
They raids Do not target diligent immigrants or combat parents who do honest work in building better lives. Ice focused on violent criminals, arresting hundreds in cities like Boston, San Francisco, Seattle and Chicago. These are places that desperately need federal help in order to keep communities. Still, the Democrats that run these cities-the so-called leaders-they make blockades of the way.
For example, take Chicago. Mayor Brandon Johnson doubled the city’s sanctuary policy, actively protecting the criminal illegal immigrants from deportation. When Ice arrested gang members and sex offenders, Johnson acts as if they are federal agents. Seriously? Does the baby predator think that he deserves a second chance for the safety of real children? Or is it just dealing with his activist base, which apparently equates the “open boundaries” with “without consequences” for violent crimes?
Meanwhile, left -wing media from politics to Los Angeles Times eagerly expanded the fears of fears about ICE “Pressing in Schools” and “Traumatizing Communities”. Local news warns about children who have been too scared to go to school because their families think that federal agents will appear on vacation. That is, of course, nonsense. Ice explicitly aiming for criminals, not innocent families who reject their children to kindergarten.
So why Democrats Pedali this lies? The answer is a dual.
First, framing everything illegal immigrants As innocent victims, Democrats can play the Savior. They claim that they “protect” these communities from Trump’s “racist” policies, positioning themselves as the champion of the oppressed. Don’t in mind that their fears are horrified by the families themselves that they pretend to protect. Imagine being an immigrant that respects the law that hears lies to go to “all”, as long as your neighborhood where he is a member of the Led gang could be removed. Democrats don’t care about this reality. He cares about optics.
Second, the radical left truly believes that the criminals are victims of systemic oppression. As I explain in my book, “What kills America: Within the tragic destruction of our radical left -wing cities,” they refuse to distinguish diligent immigrants trying to live American dream and violent offenders exploiting our broken immigration system. For them, illegal immigrants are a monolithic, protected class. The ideological blindness of the left leads them to a dam even the most scornful criminals For the confession of their guilt would mean that the recognition of their policies was flawed.
Let’s not forget that other democrats of conversations love: the deportations of “damage to the economy” or “tear of family”. This is a classic leftist nonsense. Deportation of a band member or a sex offender does not harm the economy. It helps the economy making communities safer and more stable for companies and families. And as for the “family separation”, let us be clear: criminals threaten their families when these crimes begin – not ice.
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What made it angry that Democrats do not care at all by communities they claim to defend themselves. If they were, they would support violent predators from immigrant districts. Instead, their policies bring everyone – citizens and immigrants – at higher risk. They would rather block Trump’s efforts than admit that his administration does something right.
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It is true that Democrats are more interested in achieving political points than they keep you. They left common sense because of the meaning of virtue and play politics with your certainty. They decided that panding on their activist base is more important than the protection of citizens who respect the law. And the rest of us-immigrant and equally born-we pay the price.
It’s not about an antimigrant; It’s about being anti-criminal. No one calls to deport a single mom of cleaning homes or choosing fruits and vegetables to support her family (two Democrats always switch illegal immigrants). But defending children’s rapists? It’s vague. And if Democrats cannot – or not – draw that line, then they are not suitable for the lead. Imagine that, that’s a big reason why Trump won so decisively in November last year.