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Trump’s administration reverse a course for Federal Aid Freeze after a return hit | News Donald Trump

Trump’s command provoked a wide confusion in the Federal Government, and health care programs and housing thrown into the course.

United States President Donald Trump He peeled the memorandum of federal freezing financing that caused a return reaction and confusion, and many were afraid of stopping the service in the range of health care to housing and child care.

However, in social media publish On Wednesday, Caroline Leavitt’s secretary held Trump’s executive power firmly order (EO) to pause federal consumption would remain in force.

She said that the latest directive was only related to a letter published by the Budget and Management Office (OMB), which became public earlier this week.

“This is not the deviation of federal freezing financing,” Leavitt wrote. “It’s a simple abolition of the OMB Memorandum.”

Decision came as a result of the decision of the Federal Court on Tuesday to temporarily block The funds are freezing, within a few hours of when it was necessary to take effect.

Non -profit organizations have brought a legal challenge against freezing financing, which they claimed to be transcended by the President’s constitutional authorities.

The announcement on Wednesday is likely to contribute to the confusion regarding federal consumption in the coming weeks – and whether the programs that rely on such funding will remain operational.

“The president’s eager at federal funding remain in full strength and effect, and will be strictly implemented,” Leavitt wrote on Wednesday. Sam Trump claimed that his executive order had to just stop a wasteful consumption.

Still, Democrats announced the announcement of the dismissal of the memorandum as a victory. For example, in the post on social networks, the congress wife Alexandria Fathers-Cortez said that Trump’s turn “is the first big loss.”

“We may not have a majority in the home and the Senate, but we have the power to loudly educate and mobilize ourselves against the mass robbery that Trump’s administrator tries against our veterans, health care, education and more,” she said.

During his first week in power, Trump has published a number of large measures aimed at radically overhaul of the Federal Government and withholding the funds from the domestic and foreign assistance programs.

Mixed administration messages have been added to a feeling of chaos, as programs scored to find answers on whether they would influence.

Although the White House said that medical assistance was not involved in the order, a number of elected officials said that their countries were closed from the Medicaid Financing Portal, Government Insurance Program for people with low income and the elderly.

Memo was abandoned shortly before legal proceedings were scheduled on Wednesday.

In addition to the legal challenge that brought non -profit organizations, 22 countries led by the Democrat and the Columbia District filed their own lawsuit to block the freezing of funding on Tuesday.

In both cases, opponents claimed that Trump’s command is illegal, since responsibility for state consumption is generally falling to Congress, not the president.

“The president does not decide which laws implement and for whom,” General State Attorney General of New York told reporters on Tuesday, reporters in the announcement of a state lawsuit.

The US also suspended almost all the side of help at the beginning of this week, Freezing funds For health and humanitarian aid, they seem around the world. Military assistance for two allies, Israel and Egypt, was released by decisions.

This move also launched a strong reaction – and the Government’s response.

On Wednesday, State Secretary Marco Rubio announced that a series of renunciations for “rescue humanitarian aid” had been added, although the order does not offer details of which programs qualify.

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