Trans prisoner sues Trump Administrator for “two sex” orders stopping money for gender therapy

A transgender prisoner receiving medical treatment that funded taxpayers has launched the first lawsuit against Trump’s administration and federal bureau for prison (BOP) that challenges the president of the President Donald Trump ‘With an executive order that stops the treatment of medical transgender persons with federal prisoners.
Trump’s Executive command, entitled “Defense of Women from Extremism of Gender Ideology and Restore Biological Truth to the Federal Government,” forbids by federal means to be “spent on any medical procedure, treatment or drug for the purpose of aligning the appearance of a prisoner according to that of the opposite sex.” The command also states that there are only “two sex”.
An unnamed prisoner, who goes “Maria Moe” in court documents and is represented by legal proponents and defenders GLBTQ and the National Lesbian Rights Center and Lowenstein Sandler LLP, they have been on medical hormones since teenagers and have not been placed in the male institution from their condemnation.
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President Donald Trump’s executive command stops the treatment of medical transgender persons for federal prisoners. (Getty Images)
Once Trump signed an executive order, he could be transferred to a prison institution for men, and Bop Records changed his gender from “female” to “male”, the appeal said.
In the lawsuit, first reported by Reuters, he claims that Trump’s executive order will lead to transgender women “closed in federal prisons” “illegally transferred to men’s institutions and denied medically necessary health care.”
“If Maria Moe has been moved to a male object, she won’t be sure,” a lawsuit, Submitted to the US District Court for Massachusetts County on Sunday, he claims. “It will be at an extremely high risk of harassment, abuse, violence and sexual attack. It may be susceptible to seeking male repair officials.”
“He may be forced to shower in full view of men who are in prison. And will predict the exacerbation of the gender dysphoria,” the appeal continues.
Can claim that Trump and Bop violates Fifth and eighth amendments And they claim that “they are at the immediate risk of losing their access to the medical care she needs to treat gender dysphoria.”
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The elected President Donald Trump arrives before his inauguration on the Capitol of the United States 20. January 2025 in Washington, DC (Melina Mara – Pool/Getty Images)
Before Trump’s The BOP gender dysphoria reversal, BOP began funding for transgender surgical procedures for transgender prisoners in December 2022, with Donna Langan – formerly known as Peter Kevin Langan – became the first federal prisoner to be subjected to a transition on the dollar of taxes. In 1997, Langan was convicted of participating in a series of armed bank robberies in the Middle West during the 1990s. Langan was the leader of the Aryan Republican Army, a white superior group that carried out these robberies for financing their activities, according to Court documents.
Langan’s gender transition followed after years of commitment and legal procedure, including a significant settlement 2021, when BOP agreed to ensure gender transition surgery Cristina Nichole Iglesias, who was convicted in 1994 for threatening to use weapons of mass destruction against British officials.
The New York Times column contained the perspectives of gender destroyers and services provider who confirm the genus claiming that left activists push changes to sex on children too aggressively. (Angela Weiss/AFP via Getty Images)
Last year, more lawsuits were filed for the denial of gender transitions for closed individuals. Autumn Kordellioné, The transgender woman who served 55 in Indiana for the murder of her 11-month pastor, sued the state for refusing to implement a transgender surgery.
In April 2024, the Ministry of Justice Biden sued the Utah repair department, claiming that he had created unnecessary obstacles to the treatment of gender dysforia for prisoners.
In September 2024. Reiyn Keohane, a transgender woman closed in Florida, filed a lawsuit against the State Repair Department. Keohane’s alleged officials have violated the eighth amendment to abolish hormone therapy and access to women’s clothing and nurturing products, despite Keohane’s previous diagnosis and treatment for gender dysphoria.
Fox News Digital spoke to Moe’s lawyers, white house and bop.