This disease kills more people than all cancers and accidents in combination

A heart disease remains a top killer of Americans because risk factors are still growing.
The latest statistics were discovered in the annual American Heart Association, 2025, heart disease statistics and stroke.
A report published on January 27 in Aha’s Journal cardiovascular disease It kills more people than all types of cancer and random deaths combined.
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2022-Last year, for which 941,652 people have died from the condition of heart disease, according to the report on the mortality, according to the report, according to the report. That was just over 10,000 more deaths than the previous year.
However, the death rate of adapted age is slightly reduced from last year.
2022-Longer years for which the mortality-consuming data is available 941,652 people died from a state associated with heart disease (East)
“Generally, we see that they died in death related to cardiovascular in the 2022 relationship,” said Dr. Bradley Serwer, a cardiologist based in Maryland and the main physician at Vitalsolution, an Ingenovis health company, who offers hospital cardiovascular and anesthesiological services to hospitals.
“Let’s make some improvements in terms of improved distraction Hyperlipidemia (high cholesterol) And the lower incidence of smoking, but they lost the soil regarding diabetes, obesity and hypertension, “said Serwer, who was not involved in a report, for Fox News Digital.
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Someone die of heart disease every 34 seconds in the US, and a total of 2,500 die daily, according to Dr. med. Keith Churchwell, Volunteer President of the American Heart Association.
“It is alarming to note that excess weight now costs us even more lives than smoking.”
“These are alarming statistics for me – and they should be alarming to all of us,” Churchwell said in a press release.
“Too many people die of heart disease and stroke, which remains the fifth leading cause of death.”
Risk factors
The report also described in detail the prevalence of specific risk factors for heart disease.
More than 72% of adults have “unhealthy weight”, which is defined as a body mass index of at least 25, according to the report.
Almost 42% of these adults meet Obesity criteria (body mass index of 30 or more).
Nearly 42% of these adults fill in obesity criteria (body mass index of 30 or more). (East)
The report also revealed that more than half of adults (57%) have type 2 diabetes or prediabetes.
“Although we have made a lot of progress against cardiovascular disease in the last few decades, there is still a lot of work,” an American volunteer for the heart of DHRUV S. Kazi, Dr. med, wrote in the editorial board. .
“If the recent trends of teaching, hypertension and obesity will affect more than 180 million adults in the United States by 2050, while the diabetes prevalence will climb to more than 80 million.”
Experts provide for a 300% increase in health care costs regarding cardiovascular services, added Kazi, who is also the head of the Health Economics and the associated director of Richard A. and Susan F. Smith Center for Exhibition in Cardiology at the Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center.
“Too many people die of heart disease and stroke, which remains the fifth leading cause of death.” (East)
The report also called on different risk factors among different races and ethnic groups.
Black women have been found to have the highest obesity rate (57.9%), and Asian women had the lowest rate (14.5%).
Black women also had the highest blood pressure rate (58.4%) and Latin American women, 35.3%, had the lowest rate.
“Just because we see the improvements of smoking and high cholesterol does not mean that we can turn away.”
“We also notice an increase in obesity in our youth, with as much as 40% unhealthy weight“Serwer warned.
“This trend continues in adulthood, when we see that almost 60% of adults have an unhealthy weight.”
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Overweight is a factor that contributes to as many as 1,300 additional deaths a day in the US, or almost 500,000 a year, the report states.
“It reduces the expectation of an expected life by 2.4 years compared to healthy weight,” said the volunteer American Heart Association Latha P. Palaniapppan, MD.
“Any medical or clinical therapy that can treat risk factors that contribute to cardiovascular disease are necessary.” (East)
“It is alarming to note that excess weight now costs us even more life than smoking – as Smoking rates In fact, they have fallen in recent years. Excessive weight is new smoking when it comes to health threats. “
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One positive finding in the report is that high cholesterol rates have fallen, which is attributed to improved nutritional and life factors, medicines’ availability and “better clinical control”.
“Recent Clinical research He has also identified a number of new therapies for resolving the growing load of obesity, and we are looking forward to finding out more about this progress as the body of science is being built, “said Churchwell.
What to change?
Researchers have called for interventions to reduce the risk of heart disease.
“Any medical or clinical therapy that can treat risk factors that contribute to the KVB are key,” Churchwell wrote. “… we have to stop these risk factors in their traces, Let people be healthy during their life. “
Serwer agreed that the best way to fight this top killer is an aggressive attack on risk factors.
“Just because we see the improvements of smoking and high cholesterol does not mean that we can give up,” he said.
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“We need to continue aggressively attacking tobacco and treating hyperlipidemia, at the same time increasing efforts to treat obesity, high blood pressure and diabetes. “