The famous real estate agent brings the roots of life from the ‘small town’ tennessee into a big city business

The famous Taylor Middleton Real Estate Agent, who plays in Neflix’s new series “Selling The City”, told Fox News Digital, which she feels like to leave her life in the “small town” of Tennessee and go to the fast world of Manhattan.
Celebrity real estate Agent Taylor Middleton does not regret leaving her life in a small town and embraced the fast world of New York.
Middleton, who grew up in Nashville, Tennessee, moved to Manhattan after graduating from Vanderbilt University. Ever since she started her career in 2013, Middleton, starring Netflix’s new reality series “Selling The City”, concluded with more than $ 500 million of luxury real estate sales.
During the Fox Business interview, Middleton recalled her experience when she first moved to a large apple.
“Growing up in Nashville – and that was such a small town when I grew up there – and then I moved to a big city, as they say, as soon as I got here, it was like, ‘Oh my God, I’m with my people’, ‘ said Middleton.
The star of the “Sales of the City” series Taylor Middleton left her life in a “small town” in Tennessee to embrace the rapid world of the luxury real estate market in Manhattan. (Netflix / Fox News)
“People who go, go, go and are so motivated and ambitious,” she continued. “It was very empowered and exciting for me because it was a large part of my community in Nashville – and I really love them – but so many of my friends gave birth to their second, third, fourth child and were married and lived this life at the rural club. ”
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“What if I was honest and honest, I always wanted to,” Middleton added. “And I felt very different and separate from [that]. And so when I came to myself New York, I felt like, ‘O my God, everyone lives so independent, different, unique paths and explore different things.’
“I felt like everything was possible. And so it encouraged me to do more.”
See: Famous Real Estate Agent Taylor Middleton is considering leaving life from a small town of Tennesia to the Great Grad
The famous Taylor Middleton Real Estate Agent, who plays in Neflix’s new series “Selling The City”, told Fox News Digital, which she feels like to leave her life in the “small town” of Tennessee and go to the fast world of Manhattan.
Middleton noted that New York success is similar to the construction of a winning team in professional football.
“You can play up or less than the team you play,” she explained. “So, when you surround yourself with people who are smarter, better, more successful than you, only – some people can kneel under that pressure. But as far as I’m concerned, I really make progress in it because it inspires me to be better.”
Middleton, who Netflix synchronized “A South Beauty that dominates the scene of luxury real estate in New York,” Fox Business told Fox Business that she did not initially imagine starting her career in the industry. Still, she recalled that from a young age she was “obsessed with” real estate.
“Selling the City” is a New York spin-off Netflix’s hit series “Selling Sunset”. (Netflix / Fox News)
The new series follows the professional and personal lives of the best -selling agents at the Douglas Elliman luxury real estate company. (Kindness Netflixa / © 2024. Netflix Inc. / Fox News)
“It’s funny because my parents moved a lot [when I was] Growing up in Nashville, and I always thought they made terrible real estate decisions, “she recalled.” So, literally since I was 8, I called our real estate broker in [Nashville-based real estate firm] Fridrich and Clark say, ‘Hey, Whit. Taylor Middleton. I just saw that an open -door day was coming in the newspaper. And so, if you can take my mom and my dad … and he calls my parents, like, ‘Are you people on the market?’ And they said, ‘No, stop receiving her calls.’ “
“This is funny,” she said with a smile. “So I was always somehow a real estate addict. But when I moved to New York, it really wasn’t my plan to deal with real estate. Somehow I got into that, fortunately and happiness. I was just super naive Thought, ‘Ok, I’ll think of this, I have this.’ “
Middleton explained that she had seen an unlimited potential in the real estate sector, which attracted her since she couldn’t work for years because of a long struggle with Lyme disease.
“I had to make up for a lot of lost time,” she said. “So the absence of the upper limit was very convincing, and everything that is very entrepreneurial, I always loved.”
See: The Taylor Middleton ‘Selling Star says she was always a real estate addict
The star of the “Sales of the City” series Taylor Middleton recalled that she was “obsessed with” real estate at an early age before becoming a major agent at Manhattan.
“Selling the City” is Spin-off Netflix’s Megahit series in New York “Selling Sunset.” The series is accompanied by professional and personal lives of ambitious real estate merchants in Douglas Elliman in Manhattan, while “navigating the cruel world of luxury real estate in New York”, according to a streaming network.
In the show, Middleton spoke openly about her marital troubles and past struggles with addiction about Adderall. While talking to Fox Business, Middleton explained that her efforts to overcome the problems with abuse of intoxicating funds gave an impetus for success in the challenging real estate market in New York.
“Every person’s method is different for breaking a large apple,” she said. “And for me there is a phrase in the recovery that I always stand behind which I stick to: ‘Don’t miss a miracle. Don’t give up in front of a miracle.’ And I think that’s what differentiates people who succeed in New York or not. “
“And for some people, it’s just not for them,” Middleton continued. “And that’s all respect, too. But for me, it’s like you just have to continue – during a market where you don’t make money, over the years when you don’t make money.”
“If you have that faith and confidence in yourself, if you just continue – and the universe also tells you that you are on the right track – then it will succeed.”
Middleton plays in the series together with seven other Douglas Ellliman agents. (Kindness Netflixa / © 2024. Netflix Inc. / Fox News)
Middleton, who Numbers of Fame, Executive directors and other rich individuals among her clients told Fox Business that she recently completed her biggest real estate job so far. The TV personality was part of the development team that sold Pentthouse in Manhattan for just under $ 17 million.
“It was definitely teamwork. I didn’t do it myself, but it was a big turning point for me,” she said.
While the closing of high prices transactions is always a reason for celebration, Middleton explained that the sales she thought were most rewarded with those who have realized by establishing strong personal relationships with her clients.
“It’s not even about the number of sales or a job to make a job, but about a relationship,” she said.
The show is accompanied by agents as they “start the vertical world of luxury real estate in New York.” (Kindness Netflixa / © 2024. Netflix Inc. / Fox News)
Middleton recalled a couple meeting that hired an apartment that she cited during Pandemia Covid-19. Although she did not represent the couple in the business, they remained in touch and addressed her when they wanted to buy real estate in Manhattan.
“In the end, we found them the most amazing apartment that was good for them and their family, where they started having children, and then their parents got Pied-à-Terre” here in New York, Middleton said.
“They are originally from the south,” she continued. “And therefore to be able to work with multiple family members in multiple jobs, this is the biggest reward, because you become really rooted in part of the tissue of these people’s life decisions. This is the part that pays the most, where people feel comfortable enough to send you to families and friends. “
Eleonar Skugo recruited Middleton to join Douglas Ellliman. (Kindness Netflixa / © 2024. Netflix Inc. / Fox News)
Apart from Middleton, Selaing The City is made up of seven other real estate agents Douglas Ellliman, including the leader of the Skugo Elegar team. Skugo, who pulled comparisons with “Selling Sunset” patriarch Jason Oppenheim, performed the biggest job of Douglas Elliman with real estate 2023. After the sale of a $ 75 million list.
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The New Yorker was ranked among the best -selling real estate agents according to the volume of sales throughout the country, according to her biography Douglas Ellas website.
During an interview with Fox Business, Middleton recalled that she had worked at another company before she had a job at Douglas Elliman. She did not expect her new performance to lead to reality TV fame, but she took the opportunity to be part of the series when she appeared.
“I joined [Srugo’s] Tim and then from there, suddenly, this show comes, and it was like, ‘Ok, I’ll take both,’ “Middleton said through laughter.
See: The Taylor Middleton ‘Selling Star shares its secret to collapse the market of luxury real estate in New York
Taylor Middleton’s “Sales Sales” series shared her approach to success as a top -notch agent in the New York luxury real estate market.
“Selling the City” is currently broadcast on Netflix. (Kindness Netflixa / © 2024. Netflix Inc. / Fox News)
Although she noticed that she was playing UA reality show was an unexplored territory for her, Middleton told Fox Business that being part of “Selling the City” was “amazing”.
“It was such a great experience,” she said. “But it’s like a wild, wild west. There’s no manual about how to do it and how to balance it all – all the personality and all. All in all, 95%, I would repeat it right away. It was fantastic.”
“I feel like I learned so much about myself and it was a lot of fun, and it’s great to be able to share your story, her professional life,” she continued. “It’s a top roll.”
– It was very positive.