James Cameron Ripa Trump Repeated as “Scary” and “sick”

Director “Titanic” and “Avatar” James Cameron called the re -election of President Donald Trump “scary” in a new interview.
The director talked to New Zealand things about his feelings on Trump’s second term. Cameron did not float on how bad he felt about the president’s return to power.
“I think it’s terrible, I think it’s scary,” the director said on the way out, ”F ——- News “Podcast.
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The legendary Hollywood filmmaker James Cameron recently said that the re -election of President Trump was “scary”. (Apartment Honda/AFP via Getty Images)
Cameron, who is trying to become a citizen of New Zealand, told the socket to believe that America was losing what did great with Trump received a second term.
“I see a turn of everything decent,” he said. “America means nothing if it means what it is historically advocating. It becomes a hollow idea, and I think they kill it as quickly as possible in its advantage.”
Cameron has lived in New Zealand for almost two decades and believes that the capital of the state, Wellington, his home. However, he is worried that he will not be able to escape Trump’s influence.
“We’re all globally in this,” he said. “I don’t know if I feel safer here, but I certainly feel like I don’t have to read about it every day on the front page. And it’s just sick.”
He continued, “Something is beautiful in New Zealand outlets – at least he will put her aside three. I just don’t want to see the face of that guy on the front page of the paper.”
Cameron described Covering Trump In the United States as “inevitable”, adding that it was as if “the car was breaking over and over again.”
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Cameron stated that she was seeing the media coverage of Trump like watching “car collision over and over.” (Trump-vane transition team)
The director was vocal progressively throughout his Hollywood career and installed messages like Climate change to his films.
During an interview with Esquire Middle 2022, Cameron regretted how much the gun was in his past films.
“I look back at some movies I made and I don’t know if I would like to make that movie now. I don’t know if I would like to fetishize a gun, as I did on several films about the terminal 30+ years ago,” he told Esquire in the Middle East 2022. He added that he broke up about that “Ten minutes” shooting From “Avatar: Water Path.”
The director of the “aliens” and the citizen of Canada told Stuff that obtaining his citizenship in New Zealand was “inevitable”. He mentioned how pleased he was that this was finally happening.
“That means a lot. It’s something I worked on, something I had to sacrifice for. If you’ll eradicate my family and move somewhere, you have to invest, you have to be a part of it, you have to earn. I just think you have to earn your right to be in a place.”