
Chinese components in ‘smart’ devices represent a threat to the UK sabotage, warns the MP

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Refrigerators to cars containing Chinese electronics may be at risk of long -distance access, a new chairman of the British inter -party coalition for safe technology.

The Graeme Downie Labor MP invited ministers to encourage the production capacity in the UK for mobile modules used in “Internet of things” to defend themselves against risk of risk of Cyber ​​attacks.

Related devices, including smart meters, mobile payment terminals, electric cars and civilian drones, formed “soft insidious infrastructure” that cinema could target, he warned.

“We don’t understand this threat right now. We just have to make sure we have a lot alive in the future,” Downie told the Financial Times.

“These devices collect data, they transmit information. I can’t hack, but they can theoretically control – you can disrupt, if nothing else, “he added in an interview.

Downie, who was appointed President of the Coalition for Safe Technology in November, intervened in connection with this home of the municipality.

He is one of several work MPs who were first elected last summer who expressed concern ChinaThe topic on which the hawks of conservative MPs have traditionally been more open.

Downie revealed that the issue was privately launched by is the Minister of Foreign Affairs David Lammy this month, which he said he promised to “look at [it] more”.

Officials told Downie that the matter was examined as part of the Cross-Whitehall China audit, led by the Office for Foreign, Community and Development. But he warned: “I don’t think there is no clarity about the time scale, which is [the audit] is and how it is reported and what actions will be. “

In 2023, Charles Parton, a former older diplomat from the UK, who spent more than two decades of China, Hong Kong and Taiwan, and Torry Baronica Natalie Evans, former leader of the Lordova House, in 2023.

It aims to raise awareness of the evaluation of a potential risk of Beijing using electronic wireless components in smart devices to carry out spies or sabotage.

Three Chinese companies are responsible for More than 50 percent Global markets in mobile modules used in a growing network of interconnected devices, the group states.

Drones are among devices that could represent a threat © Mario Lopez/Alamy

By the end of 2027, the British government ordered the removal of all the technologies that Chinese company Huawei made from the UK 5G network, citing security problems.

This month, the Ministry of Defense of Great Britain ordered military chiefs to avoid running sensitive conversations in Chinese electric cars, due to fear that the built -in microphone could record and transfer chatter, the development that was first reported by The Sun.

“Everyday things we’re just used to doing-what if they didn’t work for a while or what if they were disturbed in a coordinated way? Maybe it’s not immediately obvious that they’re disturbed,” Downie said.

The MP compared such a scenario with a “big, high” denial of services set on the websites in the early 2000s, which “you could easily identify it as an attack”. These cyber attacks include overcoming server with online traffic to make it inaccessible.

He admitted that the potential disorder of smart devices “does not feel an immediate military threat,” but said that the issue needed more attention in Whitehall.

British chancellor Rachel Reeves meets with the Chinese Vice President of HPP Lifeng in Beijing last month. The UK enhances its diplomatic engagement with China © Florence LO/Reuters

Downie’s intervention comes while the Government continues to enhance its diplomatic engagement with Beijing. Chancellor Rachel Reeves and Lammy have been visiting China in recent months, and Prime Minister Sir Keir Starmer has watched on his way to land later this year.

Last week, Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi came to London on the day of talking to Lammy as part of a new strategic dialogue between the two countries.

The cellular modules are “vital for national life,” Downie said, describing his campaign as “not about dealing with cinema or blocking technology”, but ensuring that the UK has a sufficient “procurement protection”.

It is also the “opportunity to create your own industry” in mobile modules and similar devices by encouraging more investment, he added.

British government spokesman said: “The UK already has one of the strongest product safety regions in the world and research continues to help us recognize new areas of vulnerability that technology develops and aiming to work in politics.

“We advocate that we continue to strengthen Cyber ​​defense to protect British people and companies, which is why we will present a Cyber ​​security and resistance account later this year.”

The Chinese Foreign Ministry said: “China is opposed to all malicious speculations and unfounded accusations, and the practice of exaggerated generalization of the concept of national security and politicization of economic, trade and technological issues is opposed to the practice of exaggeration.”

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