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Outssmart hackers who stole your identity

Did you know that identity theft happens every 22 seconds? This means that when you are done reading this sentence, someone probably stole their identity. At best, theft of identity will steal your time and patience. But more often, identity theft leads to severe consequences, such as losing control of your financial accounts, influence on your credit result or even loss of lifelong savings.

However, you don’t have to be statistics. Understanding the way identity thieves act and apply smart protection strategies, you can make your personal information a fortress that is too challenging to violate the Cyber ​​-Kriminalci. Drawing from The latest Federal Trade Commission (FTC) Investigates the Consciousness of identity TheftI will walk through the professional strategies supported to protect your most valuable assets: your identity.

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Hacker illustration (Kurt “Cyberguy” Knutsson)

Lesson 1: Theft of identity is more common than you think

Since so many of our lives have moved on the net, identity thieves have easier time than ever. Your most important accounts – banking, credit, social insurance – are all digital. Thieves do not need to know much about you to steal your identity, only a few parts of personal data can be enough. According to the statistics of the judiciary, 24 million Americans reported identity theft in the last 12 months. In their life, 1 in 3 Americans (more than 110 million people) experienced the theft of identities. Here are some of the people not understanding: you may have been the target already. Maybe your identity was stolen and thieves failed, or maybe good Internet habits saved you without you know what brings us to the following lessons: prevention.

Hacker illustration (Kurt “Cyberguy” Knutsson)

Do you think you are safe? Identity theft could erase the whole life savings

Lesson 2: You can protect yourself from identity theft

You do not have to spend wealth to protect yourself from identity theft. Although professional services can be helpful, most of what you need comes down to better habits and consciousness. Here are some simple steps you can take today:

1) Check your accounts regularly: Review the Bank, Credit Card and Social Insurance Accounts for Transactions you have not made, failed attempts to sign up and the password resetting requirements you have not launched.

2) Watch your mail: Look for letters regarding the accounts you have not opened, information about data violation and abstract transactions that do not fit your records.

3) Follow your mail e -a: Be warned to reset the E -Mail Passwords you have not sought, a certificate of new accounts you have not opened, receipts to buy you have not made.

4) Use a dual -factor authentication (2FA): 2fa Adds additional layers of security to your accounts. Even if the thief has your password, they will not be able to log in without another step, such as a code sent via a text message or check based on the application. Although the application may take an additional moment, it is worth it; 2FA dramatically increases account safety.

5) Check your credit report per year: Visit to get your free loan report once a year. Use it for early notice suspicious activities. If you see something unusual, take the action immediately.

6) Use strong passwords: Use complex passwords ia password manager To ensure your network accounts. Strong passwords are your first line of defense against Cyber ​​threats.

7) Stop sitting: Limit the personal information you share on social networks and other platforms. It is a Cyber ​​-criminal treasure trove that uses it to make convincing campaigns for fraud that is targeted specifically on you.

Illustration of the need for digital security (Kurt “Cyberguy” Knutsson)

10 characters your identity is threatened

Lesson 3: Know what to do if identity stealing happens

Almost half of Americans do not know how to answer if they become a victim of identity theft. Fast action can make a big difference. Here’s what to do:

1) Contact the institution affected: Contact the company immediately if you notice something unusual, like a suspicious charge or an unknown account. Will guide you through the insurance of your account.

2) Change passwords: Update a password for an influential account and all others using the same credentials. Use strong, unique passwords for each account to avoid further risks.

3) Report the theft of FTC -u: Visit report identity theft and get personalized recovery steps.

4) Use the identity identity protection service: Identity stealing companies can monitor personal information such as your social security number, telephone number and e -osta address and warn you if sold on a dark web or used to open an account. They can also help you freeze the bank account and credit card accounts to prevent further unauthorized use by criminals.

One of the best parts of the use of some services is that they could include identity theft up to one million dollars to cover losses and legal fees and a team of white glow fraud, where an American case manager helps you regain any losses. See my tips and best choosing how to protect yourself from identity theft.

Bonus Council: Invest in personal data removal services

Data violation often start with personal data that are easily accessible online. People search websites and data intermediaries collect and sell this information, including your name, address, telephone number and more. Can you remove your information? Yes, but that’s ticklish. These companies do not facilitate this, and managing the requirements for removing hundreds of web locations can be irresistible.

Instead, consider using the personal data removal service. Although no service promises to remove all your information from the Internet, the removal service is great if you want to constantly monitor and automate the process of removing your data from hundreds of sites continuously over a long period of time. View my top selection here for data removal services.

Nightmare’s mobile phone leads to transmitted numbers, identity theft, recovery struggle

Kurts key endeavor

Look, the theft of identity is scary, but you are not helpless. Stay smart and proactive, you can dramatically reduce your risks. Consider protecting your identity such as locking the front door: it’s just good common sense in today’s digital world. At the end of the day, a little consciousness goes a long way, and you have already taken the first step by reading this article. Now, take what you have learned and applied to be safe from the Cyber ​​-criminal.

In what situation did you find yourself in which you felt vulnerable to the theft of identity or to help protect your personal information? Let us know by writing us on

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